Android Question text box overflow

Zeev Goldstein

Well-Known Member
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i use a textbox for entering data.
how do i prevent it from scroll when i enter a long string ?
currently after i type in a long string it will scroll down, i want it to keep in one line
it is not set to be multi line in the designer
when i am typing it is fine - all in one line but when i move to another field it scrolls


Zeev Goldstein

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i think it has nothing to do with that as it also happen while i type
basically the data is read from a magnetic card reader but even if i just press 4 or any other char for some time it will happen
the msr finishes the entry with cr+lf but my manual entry is just charachters without any cr or lf in the end
it is somehow dependent on the text box...
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Zeev Goldstein

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thanks Erel,

i put this code in sub Globals
it did not work
it didn't produce any error but also didn't change anything
have i missed anything ?

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Zeev Goldstein

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sorry - i tried in Activity_Create but then i get error that the edittext is not initialized...

how do i set edittext height to fit single line ?
the text size is 25 height is 50. tried 25, 35, 40, 45 but the text was set to upper
changed to center and tried all options i could not set it to fit.

when i leave the field it is shown a bit up so i see the first part above the second part

also - when typing it cuts the entry and seems to start on clean but it is ok as the whole content is there
very odd - it should scroll horizontally...

i can't even initialize the edittext as it is not yet declared...
chicken and egg ?
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Zeev Goldstein

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had to bypass the problem any way as the display had to hide part of the field so i use a display field that holds the relevant data to show and the full content is hidden in another non display field.

thanks for your help and good will
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