Android Question text file back to ide/debugger


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Longtime User
While I'm debugging I need to get a text file back to my windows machine to examine, is there a simple way to do this other than saving the file and then sharing the file outside of the app?


Licensed User
Longtime User
While I'm debugging I need to get a text file back to my windows machine

You can use this (I use it a lot in several apps to exchange data/files):

You can drop the serialisator and just use the communication. Then you need to convert everything to & from bytes (which is easy when you know how). Advantage ist, that you don't need to write a file and then transmit it. Just send the data.

PS: The debugger is very good and I never needed an extra file to check.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks ill ckeck it out. i m using a txt file to load a set of data, then the app checks it and modifies it a little, I then want to use the modified file next time I run, sometimes on different machines. I have been logging the individual lines then copying them and pasting into a new txt file, works but clumsy...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thats it!, Thanks Erel, I knew it, exactly what i was looking for:)
I just cant get enough of B4X, love love love it!
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