textbox, background trasparent in tablet


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someone tell me why the sfonfo I see in the textbox transparent if I use a tablet, but if I use my samsung galaxy s2 or any other phone, I see them regularly on a white background, do I see the white background of the textbox on my tablet as on other phones?


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today i found the same problem like in the first posting. On my 2.3.6 handy the background of a edittext is white, on my 4.01 tablet (toshiba) i get an completly transparent background. Now i took an an imageview behind the first edittext view and now it looks almost normal. But its hard to set the exact size. The second and third edittext are without imageview.
My screen layout is: one bitmap as background, then an semitransparent panel and on top of it the edittext view.
I have tried different target versions in the manifest file, but this did not change anything.


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