Probably not.
The ones I posted are the ones I knew of.
In the
Android documentaion the list is even smaller, but it specifies the garantied Charsets.
I Googled a bit and found this site
List of Supported Character Encodings in Java.
Then I looked at the Android documentaion and wrote this code to get the avalable Charsets:
Sub GetAvalableCharsets
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim CharSets As Map
Dim jo1 As JavaObject
jo1 = jo.RunMethod("availableCharsets", Null)
Dim size As Int
size = jo1.RunMethod("size", Null)
Dim jo2 As JavaObject
jo2 = jo1.RunMethod("keySet", Null)
Dim obj(size) As Object
obj = jo2.RunMethod("toArray", Null)
For i = 0 To size - 1
End Sub
On my Sony xperia z1 the list looks like this: