#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: true
#StartCommandReturnValue: android.app.Service.START_STICKY
#ExcludeFromLibrary: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private client As MqttClient
Private const port As Int =21043
Private serializator As B4XSerializator
Public connected As Boolean
' Type Message (Body As String, From As String)
Private users As List
Private currentName As String
Dim sounds,sounds2 As SoundPool
Dim bounceId ,bounceId2 As Int
Dim PhoneWakeState As PhoneWakeState
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
Dim PhoneWakeState As PhoneWakeState
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
Dim tz As Notification
' tz.Icon="icon"
bounceId = sounds.Load(File.DirAssets, "Mes.wav")
bounceId2 = sounds2.Load(File.DirAssets, "7841.wav")
currentName = "ycwx"'Name
Dim Host As String="m13.cloudmqtt.com"
client.Initialize("client", $"ssl://${Host.Trim}:${port}"$, "ycwx" & Rnd(1, 10000000))
Dim mo As MqttConnectOptions
mo.Initialize("rykciawl", "82eatOiu9Dq")
'this message will be sent if the client is disconnected unexpectedly.
mo.SetLastWill("all/disconnect", serializator.ConvertObjectToBytes(currentName), 0, False)
End Sub
Private Sub client_Connected (Success As Boolean)
ToastMessageShow($"Connected: ${Success}"$,True)
If Success Then
connected = True
client.Subscribe("all/#", 0)
client.Publish2("all/connect", serializator.ConvertObjectToBytes(currentName), 0, False)
' StartActivity(Chat)
ToastMessageShow("Error connecting: " & LastException, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub client_MessageArrived (Topic As String, Payload() As Byte)
Dim receivedObject As Object = serializator.ConvertBytesToObject(Payload)
' ToastMessageShow(receivedObject,True)
If Topic = "all/connect" Or Topic = "all/disconnect" Then
Dim newUser As String = receivedObject
' ToastMessageShow( "newname:"&CRLF&Topic&":"&newUser,True)
Dim index As Int = users.IndexOf(newUser)
If Topic.EndsWith("connect") And index = -1 Then users.Add(newUser)
Else if Topic = "all/users" Then
Dim newUsers As List = receivedObject
CallSubDelayed2(Chat, "NewUsers", newUsers) 'this will start the chat activity if it wasn't started yet.
Else if Topic = "all/live_xx1" Then
Dim m As Message = receivedObject
sounds.Play(bounceId, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)
CallSub2(Chat, "NewMessage", m)
ToastMessageShow("NewMessage1:"&CRLF&m.From&": "&m.Body ,True)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SendMessage(topic As String,Body As String)
If connected Then
client.Publish2("all/live_xx"&topic, CreateMessage(Body), 0, False)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Disconnect
If connected Then client.Close '
End Sub
Private Sub CreateMessage(Body As String) As Byte() '
Dim m As Message
m.Body = Body
m.From = currentName
Return serializator.ConvertObjectToBytes(m)
End Sub
Private Sub client_Disconnected
connected = False
sounds2.Play(bounceId2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)
End Sub
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
Return True
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub