Hi, I’m Picard and I have really wanted to start whith Basic4A. I have purchased the full version this morning, but I can not run the emulator. Please help me if you can with this information:
emulator: ERROR: no search paths found in this AVD's configuration.
Weird, the AVD's config.ini file is malformed. Try re-creating it.
C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\javac.exe
JAVA Installed:
Installed packages:
Android SDK Tools, revision 8
Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 6
SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 3
Available packages:
If I check Android Repository then all packages are checked automatically. I un-check all of them except:
Android Repository
SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 3
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 3
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 3
Installed SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 3
But “SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 3” is not checked, if I check it the button “Install selected” is active again…
Please help me
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I’m Picard and I have really wanted to start whith Basic4A. I have purchased the full version this morning, but I can not run the emulator. Please help me if you can with this information:
emulator: ERROR: no search paths found in this AVD's configuration.
Weird, the AVD's config.ini file is malformed. Try re-creating it.
C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\javac.exe
JAVA Installed:
Installed packages:
Android SDK Tools, revision 8
Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 6
SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 3
Available packages:
If I check Android Repository then all packages are checked automatically. I un-check all of them except:
Android Repository
SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 3
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 3
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 3
Installed SDK Platform Android 2.2, API 8, revision 3
But “SDK Platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 3” is not checked, if I check it the button “Install selected” is active again…
Please help me
Thanks in advance.