The Wall

Here's my endevour to reright a good old game, I'm facing some problems that I
cannot solve:
1 I don't know how to completely despose of bricks hit by the ball.
2 The ball often gives a number of short bounces instead of bounsing off the wall.
3 How to reduce the distance between the bricks?

If somebody cares to help me I will continue working on the game and repost it


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There are a certain number of problems in your program:
- you should use images with the same size as the bitmaps in the program, your ball image size is 135*131 pixels and you sgrink it down to 10*10 pixels.

1 I don't know how to completely despose of bricks hit by the ball.
- you check only the lower brick row for intersections, so you cannot dispose the bricks from the other rows.
Sub CheckIfIntersects
For n = 91 To 100

2 The ball often gives a number of short bounces instead of bounsing off the wall.
you should check also the speed sign when hitting a brick.

3 How to reduce the distance between the bricks?
you can reduce the space between the bricks in changing the values 24 and 12.
Left = Left + 24
Top = Top +

In the BuildWall routine there is no need to declare the Drawer
for each brick !

Attached a modified version with quite some chages:
- numeric values replaced by variables
- check of brick height per column
- bricks drawn as rectangles instead of bitmaps and 100 rectangles
- changed player and ball bitmaps
- the ball bounces when hitting the 'playground' border

Best regards.


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