This may assuredly be a problem with my scanner set up so forgive my Naivety .....
I have garbled up the examples for AsyncScanSrv and Bluetooth enough to get it to work for my solution..
AND of course
My design per the articles referenced, was to be able to select a menu button which will allow the user to perform barcode scanning features.
Most importantly was the separation of the feature into a service module.
There will be multiple features available of this genre. Scan current location, Scan to load new batch of orders, etc etc.
In Summary I couldn't load up the BluetoothAdmin and Serial as in the examples, because I have other stuff going on in my activity_create. I do not want to force scan features on load but as afore stated per a menu or button invocation. (its currently in a menu but thats trivial) ...
I have the Mac Address Type 'NameAndMac' (two Strings) its instance "connectedDevice" the BluetoothAdmin and the serial in my process Globals of my activity.
Just like the samples---
Activity_Create as already mentioned is very busy and already very tired so the only addition in it, to this process is a menu item named ScanBatch---
By the way this menu item lists itself like seven times but its the only menu item I have defined !!!!!-- Anyone know why this is happening ??
The events section for the menus of course has the Case "ScanBatch" which calls my sub named ScanBatch
I have combined the processes from multiple subs from the examples here in to this calling sub from the menu selection:
Please advise and comment - I'm worried that this may not be correct...
The Admin_StateChanged
Admin_DeviceFound and the Admin_DiscoveryFinished
are the same as the examples.
Although the latter calls my serial object by my name for it ---> scanSerial. Connect(connectedDevice.Mac)
Then I of course start my service:
Again the code in my service matches the examples:
Empty Service_Create, in Service_Start check for IsInitialized Close or Init as needed
and in the NewData I call a sub back in the calling activity.. Works great....
#1) The error.. I have tried
MsgReceived = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO-8859-1")
MsgReceived = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF-8")
Both result in the XML ERROR "The XML was improperly formatted.Please escape it if necessary."
#2) I'm REALLY Confused as to WHAT is REALLY GOING ON HERE --How much of this will I need to duplicate to create a couple more scan barcode type of features.... . I'm going to need to review this hodge podge for quite some time today to really get whats going on ... For example I'm trying to see what I can do to add another BarCode Scan function for lets say scan current location...
How much of this will I be able to use again versus recreate for the new
scan method. Wil it simply be a different Menu choice calling the same stuff, and I just proces the results differently. If So AWESOME !!!! WIN WIN WIN !!! I appreciate any and all insight or criticism .. :sign0085: :sign0104: :sign0089:
Is this old condition appropriate in this case: ?
Old 10-31-2007, 11:06 PM
Erel Administrator
Basic4ppc Founder
This is not the value of SQLCmd.
There is a bug in the IDE that causes this message (it tries to parse the string as XML because of the > sign).
It is fixed in the next version.
You can check its value in the watches fields.
I have garbled up the examples for AsyncScanSrv and Bluetooth enough to get it to work for my solution..
AND of course
My design per the articles referenced, was to be able to select a menu button which will allow the user to perform barcode scanning features.
Most importantly was the separation of the feature into a service module.
There will be multiple features available of this genre. Scan current location, Scan to load new batch of orders, etc etc.
In Summary I couldn't load up the BluetoothAdmin and Serial as in the examples, because I have other stuff going on in my activity_create. I do not want to force scan features on load but as afore stated per a menu or button invocation. (its currently in a menu but thats trivial) ...
I have the Mac Address Type 'NameAndMac' (two Strings) its instance "connectedDevice" the BluetoothAdmin and the serial in my process Globals of my activity.
Just like the samples---
Activity_Create as already mentioned is very busy and already very tired so the only addition in it, to this process is a menu item named ScanBatch---
By the way this menu item lists itself like seven times but its the only menu item I have defined !!!!!-- Anyone know why this is happening ??
The events section for the menus of course has the Case "ScanBatch" which calls my sub named ScanBatch
I have combined the processes from multiple subs from the examples here in to this calling sub from the menu selection:
Please advise and comment - I'm worried that this may not be correct...
Sub ScanBatch
If Admin.IsInitialized = False Then
End If
If Admin.IsEnabled = False Then
If Admin.Enable = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error enabling Bluetooth adapter.", True)
ToastMessageShow("Enabling Bluetooth adapter...", False)
'the StateChanged event will be soon raised
End If
Admin_StateChanged(Admin.STATE_ON, 0)
End If
End Sub
The Admin_StateChanged
Admin_DeviceFound and the Admin_DiscoveryFinished
are the same as the examples.
Although the latter calls my serial object by my name for it ---> scanSerial. Connect(connectedDevice.Mac)
Then I of course start my service:
Sub scanSerial_Connected (Success As Boolean)
Log("connected: " & Success)
If Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error connecting: " & LastException.Message, True)
End If
End Sub
Again the code in my service matches the examples:
Empty Service_Create, in Service_Start check for IsInitialized Close or Init as needed
and in the NewData I call a sub back in the calling activity.. Works great....
#1) The error.. I have tried
MsgReceived = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO-8859-1")
MsgReceived = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF-8")
Both result in the XML ERROR "The XML was improperly formatted.Please escape it if necessary."
#2) I'm REALLY Confused as to WHAT is REALLY GOING ON HERE --How much of this will I need to duplicate to create a couple more scan barcode type of features.... . I'm going to need to review this hodge podge for quite some time today to really get whats going on ... For example I'm trying to see what I can do to add another BarCode Scan function for lets say scan current location...
How much of this will I be able to use again versus recreate for the new
scan method. Wil it simply be a different Menu choice calling the same stuff, and I just proces the results differently. If So AWESOME !!!! WIN WIN WIN !!! I appreciate any and all insight or criticism .. :sign0085: :sign0104: :sign0089:
Is this old condition appropriate in this case: ?
Old 10-31-2007, 11:06 PM
Erel Administrator
Basic4ppc Founder
This is not the value of SQLCmd.
There is a bug in the IDE that causes this message (it tries to parse the string as XML because of the > sign).
It is fixed in the next version.
You can check its value in the watches fields.
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