B4J Code Snippet Tidy Up Unused Modules (PowerShell Script)

Below is a PowerShell script you can use to tidy up you project folder. You can run it from PowerShell ISE.

It compiles a list of modules referenced in the b4j file and then compares this to modules in the projects directory. It then deletes modules that are not referenced.

I used this to tidy up a large project from which I had removed a bunch of modules that were no longer needed.

NOTE: As this deletes file be careful and make a backup of your project.


$prj = "D:\Dropbox\My Apps\B4J\someproject\someproject.b4j"

$modules = @()

foreach($line in Get-Content $prj)
        $tmp = $line.Split('=')

        $modules += $tmp[1]

write-host $modules

$bas = Get-ChildItem -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($prj)) -Filter *.bas

foreach($f in $bas)
    $bb = $f.Name.Replace(".bas","")

    if ($modules.Contains($bb))
        #write-host "Contains $bb"
        write-host "NOT contains $bb"
        Remove-Item –path $b.FullName -Force
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