i am using the following code to calculate time difference:
DIFF = s.TimeNOD("20:00:00","14:00:00")
results is 359 min
DIFF = s.TimeNOD("19:59:00","14:00:00")
result is = -1080 min
using the following code procedure to calculate:
Sub TimeNOD(CurrentTime As String, OtherTime As String) As Double
Dim CurrTime, OthTime, MyNewDate As Long
CurrTime = DateTime.TimeParse(CurrentTime)
OthTime = DateTime.TimeParse(OtherTime)
NumOfMin = ((CurrTime-OthTime)/(DateTime.TicksPerMinute))
Return NumOfMin
End Sub
how do i modify this code to calculate it correctly when it reaches 8:00 pm
I couldn't get the answers from previous post!!!
DIFF = s.TimeNOD("20:00:00","14:00:00")
results is 359 min
DIFF = s.TimeNOD("19:59:00","14:00:00")
result is = -1080 min
using the following code procedure to calculate:
Sub TimeNOD(CurrentTime As String, OtherTime As String) As Double
Dim CurrTime, OthTime, MyNewDate As Long
CurrTime = DateTime.TimeParse(CurrentTime)
OthTime = DateTime.TimeParse(OtherTime)
NumOfMin = ((CurrTime-OthTime)/(DateTime.TicksPerMinute))
Return NumOfMin
End Sub
how do i modify this code to calculate it correctly when it reaches 8:00 pm
I couldn't get the answers from previous post!!!