Android Question Timestamp in SensorData


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I would like to use gyro data for an artificial horizon. However, I have not found a way to get the timestamp in nanoseconds from the the Sensor_Sensordata Event in the published Example "sensors". Library used is phone 2.0
Help would be appreciated, Thanks and regards


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In the app I'm developing, I need accurate timestamp for sensor events. How involved will it be to add timestamp argument to SensorChanged event of PhoneSensors?

I know it will break compatibility for existing users, how can such change be handled?
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You can compile a new library.

This is the updated code:
   @Events(values={"SensorChanged (Values() As Float, TimeStamp As Long)"})
   public static class PhoneSensors{
      * Single value - Ambient light level measured in SI lux units.
     public static int TYPE_LIGHT = Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT;
      * Three values - Ambient magnetic field measured in micro-Tesla for the X, Y and Z axis.
     public static int TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD = Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD;
      * Single value - Atmospheric pressure.
     public static int TYPE_PRESSURE = Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE;
      * Single value - Proximity measured in centimeters. Most devices will return only two possible values representing "near" and "far".
      *"far" should match MaxRange and "near" should be a value smaller than MaxRange.
     public static int TYPE_PROXIMITY = Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY;
      * Single value - Ambient temperature.
     public static int TYPE_TEMPERATURE = Sensor.TYPE_TEMPERATURE;
      * Three values - Angular velocity measured in Radians / Second around each of the three axis.
     public static int TYPE_GYROSCOPE = Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE;
      * Three values - Acceleration measured in Meters / Second ^ 2 for each axis (X, Y and Z).
     public static int TYPE_ACCELEROMETER = Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER;
      * Three values - Orientation measured in degrees for azimuth, pitch and roll.
     public static int TYPE_ORIENTATION = Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION;
     private int currentType;
     private int sensorDelay;
     private SensorEventListener listener;
      * Initializes the object and sets the sensor type (one of the TYPE_ constants).
     public void Initialize(int SensorType) {
       Initialize2(SensorType, 3);
      * Initializes the object and sets the sensor type and sensor events rate.
      *SensorType - One of the TYPE_ constants.
      *SensorDelay - A value between 0 (fastest rate) to 3 (slowest rate). This is only a hint to the system.
     public void Initialize2(int SensorType, int SensorDelay) {
       this.currentType = SensorType;
       this.sensorDelay = SensorDelay;
      * Starts listening for sensor events.
      *Returns True if the sensor is supported.
      *Usually you will want to start listening in Sub Activity_Resume and stop listening in Sub Activity_Pause.
     public boolean StartListening(final BA ba, String EventName) {
       SensorManager sm = (SensorManager) BA.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
       final String s = EventName.toLowerCase(BA.cul) + "_sensorchanged";
       listener = new SensorEventListener() {

         public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {

         public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
           ba.raiseEvent(PhoneSensors.this, s, event.values, event.timestamp);

       return sm.registerListener(listener, sm.getDefaultSensor(currentType), sensorDelay);
      * Stops listening for events.
     public void StopListening(BA ba) {
       if (listener != null) {
         SensorManager sm = (SensorManager) ba.context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
      * Returns the maximum value for this sensor.
      *Returns -1 if this sensor is not supported.
     public float getMaxValue() {
       java.util.List<Sensor> l = ((SensorManager) BA.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE)).getSensorList(currentType);
       if (l == null || l.size() == 0)
         return -1;
       return l.get(0).getMaximumRange();

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Thanks for quick solution!

I have attached library for others to use...


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This lib has saved my day! The rise of the sensor event frequency is spectacular and allows much better low pass filtering. Thank you! Georg
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