TouchPal User Dictionary Manager 1.1.4 (2009-08-20)
TouchPal User Dictionary Manager is an user-friendly application for visual managing user dictionaries in Cootek TouchPal.
This application is not developed by Cootek, and I'm not envolved or related to Cootek. I use TouchPal and I like it: I've written a user dictionary manager because I want to use my PDA at best.
TouchPal User Dictionary Manager is free and it will remain free forever.
I, however, will accept donations (you can buy me a beer for example) to let me continue in developing other apps.
With TouchPal User Dictionary Manager you can add and remove words from user dictionaries, modify existing words, modify the priorities of words; it supports multilanguage, so you can choose to work on any dictionary you installed.
Prerequisite section
Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1/6.5 QVGA (240 × 320) and VGA (480 x 640) devices in Portrait mode with at least 1.5M of free RAM
Uninstall or upgrade the application as any other Windows Mobile program.
Configuration section
There is no configuration settings, for now.
Do you have any idea or suggestions? Visit my Freeware PDA Software Website and send me a message.
Donations are welcome, please buy me a beer!
Please download the WM version and/or the Windows version file from my Freeware PDA Software Website.
Skins for Cootek TouchPal
You can find a lot of Skins for TouchPal on my Website.
Changes in version 1.1.4 (2008-08-20)
Pierluigi (Pixelfabrica)
TouchPal User Dictionary Manager is an user-friendly application for visual managing user dictionaries in Cootek TouchPal.
This application is not developed by Cootek, and I'm not envolved or related to Cootek. I use TouchPal and I like it: I've written a user dictionary manager because I want to use my PDA at best.
TouchPal User Dictionary Manager is free and it will remain free forever.
I, however, will accept donations (you can buy me a beer for example) to let me continue in developing other apps.
With TouchPal User Dictionary Manager you can add and remove words from user dictionaries, modify existing words, modify the priorities of words; it supports multilanguage, so you can choose to work on any dictionary you installed.

Prerequisite section
Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1/6.5 QVGA (240 × 320) and VGA (480 x 640) devices in Portrait mode with at least 1.5M of free RAM
- Add new words directly into dictionaries
- Modify existing words in dictionaries
- Remove words from dictionaries
- Empty dictionaries
- Search/Filter words with advanced options including capitalized characters
- Ultrafast sort of words using Alphabetical or Chronological order (default)
- Multilanguage user dictionaries support
- Memory resident: you use it with a single tap on Today Screen!
- Freeware!
- a decent manual
- backup/restore/merge dictionaries
- a finger friendly interface
- a settings section
- On your PC or MAC, please extract the content of the zip file you downloaded and copy the CAB file into your device;
- On your device (see Prerequisite section), run any File Explorer application and navigate to the folder where the CAB file is copied; run the CAB file;
- Choose to install on Device or on Storage Card (see install cab - Google Search for help).
- After installation, you'll find a shortcut called TouchPal User Dict Manager. Tap on it to start the application.
Uninstall or upgrade the application as any other Windows Mobile program.
Configuration section
There is no configuration settings, for now.
Do you have any idea or suggestions? Visit my Freeware PDA Software Website and send me a message.
Donations are welcome, please buy me a beer!
Please download the WM version and/or the Windows version file from my Freeware PDA Software Website.
Skins for Cootek TouchPal
You can find a lot of Skins for TouchPal on my Website.
Changes in version 1.1.4 (2008-08-20)
- now the application can be minimized and can be resident in memory so it can be called much more faster.
Pierluigi (Pixelfabrica)
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