iOS Question Travelling compile error


Licensed User
Longtime User
Return from Compiler:
B4i Version: 8.30
Parsing code.    (0.13s)
Building folders structure.    (0.06s)
Compiling code.    (0.22s)
Compiling layouts code.    (0.01s)
Compiling debugger engine code.    Error
B4i line: 688 <----- [B]Always found at the end of an END SUB. Travels throughout the code even when whole subs are eliminated[/B]
End Sub
shell\src\com\wzl\gk\ error: 'try' without 'catch', 'finally' or resource declarations
try {
1 error


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for reading.

the error is always on an END SUB.
I have eliminated the subs that are reported one by one.
As a sub is eliminated another sub generates the error on the END SUB.
Each time I eliminate a sub, another unrelated sub generates the error
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Licensed User
Longtime User
and what is on line 688???????
Shall we guess?
hanks for reading.

the error is always on an END SUB.
I have eliminated the subs that are reported one by one.
As a sub is eliminated another sub generates the error on the END SUB.
Each time I eliminate a sub, another unrelated sub generates the error
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Sghow your code.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It DOES NOT MATTER what subs I eliminate. The error is always at the su:
Region  Project Attributes
    'Orientation possible values: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight and PortraitUpsideDown
    #iPadOrientations:  LandscapeRight
    #Target: iPad
    #ATSEnabled: False
    #MinVersion: 8
    #version: 1.2.5
    '#If RELEASE
    '#End If
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Public App As Application
    Public NavControl As NavigationController
    Private WelcomePge As Page
    Private PlayersPge As Page
    Private ScorePge As Page
    Private RulesPge As Page
    Private StatsPge As Page
    Private InfoPge As Page
    Private Ticks1 As Long
    Private xui As XUI
    Private comma As String = ","
    Private txt_score As TextField
    Private TA_8 As TextView      'Edit Scren
    Private gameFile As String = "gFN"
    Private gmeBgnTme As String
    'Private pickerlistDead As Boolean
    'Private TrysToLoad As Int
    'Private TrsToLoad As Int
    'Private doingDemo As Boolean
    Private Btn_ScoreDone As Button        ' The NEXT Button on The Scoring Screen
    'Private Btn_AddNames As Button        ' Players scrn
    '''Private Btn_AddNewName As Button    ' Players scrn
    'Private Btn_RemoveName As Button    ' Players scrn
    'Private Btn_RmveNames As Button        ' Players scrn
    Private Btn_ChoosePlyr As Button    ' Players scrn
    Private BTN_new As Button            ' Players scrn
    Private BtnClearAll As Button        ' Players scrn
    Private Btn_ClearTF As Button        ' Players scrn
    Private Btn_Done As Button            ' Players scrn
    Private Btn_select As Button        ' Players scrn
    Private Btn_restore As Button        ' Players scrn
    Private Btn_sve As Button            ' Save Game Button on Game Screen
    Private Btn_Get As Button            ' Get Saved Game on Game Screen
    Private Btn_Home As Button            ' Go Home Button on Game Screen Editor
    Private BtnEmergency As Button 'Last game played
    Private btn_Dn As Button:Private btn_Up As Button ' score up and down
    '''Private Label1 As Label        ' Players scrn
    '''Private Label2 As Label        ' Players scrn
    '''Private Label3 As Label        ' Players scrn
    '''Private Panel1 As Panel        ' Players scrn
    Private Player_1 As Label    ' Players scrn
    Private Player_2 As Label    ' Players scrn
    Private Player_3 As Label    ' Players scrn
    Private Player_4 As Label    ' Players scrn
    Private Player_5 As Label    ' Players scrn
    Private Player_6 As Label    ' Players scrn
'    Private Hand_1 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_2 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_3 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_4 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_5 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_6 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_7 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_8 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_9 As Label        ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_10 As Label    ' score scrn
'    Private Hand_11 As Label    ' score scrn
    Private Lbl_PlayerNick As Label ' The Name on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_1 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of Aces on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_10 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 10s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_2 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 2s on Scoring Screen
    Private Lbl_scr_3 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 3s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_4 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 4s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_5 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 5s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_6 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 6s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_7 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 7s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_8 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 8s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_9 As Label    ' The Quantity for number of 9s on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_J As Label    ' The Quantity for number of Jacks on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_scr_K As Label    ' The Quantity for number of Kings on Scoring Screen
    Private Lbl_scr_Q As Label    ' The Quantity for number of Queens on Scoring Screen
    Private lbl_Scr_Tot As Label    ' Screen Total on Scoring Screen
    Private lcl_scr_W As Label    ' The Quantity OF Wild Cards on Scoring Screen
    Private Txt_FirstName As TextField    'Players Screen, first name of a player in player pool
    Private Txt_LastName As TextField    'Players Screen, last name of a player in player pool
    Private Txt_NickName As TextField    'Players Screen, nickname of a player in player pool
    Private ImageView1 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 1 /3
    Private ImageView2 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 2 /4
    Private ImageView3 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 3 /5
    Private ImageView4 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 4 /6
    Private ImageView5 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 5 /7
    Private ImageView6 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 6 /8
    Private ImageView7 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 7 /9
    Private ImageView8 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 8 /10
    Private ImageView9 As ImageView        ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 9 /JACK
    Private ImageView10 As ImageView      ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 10 /OUEEN
    Private ImageView11 As ImageView    ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) Hand 11 /KING
    '''Private ImageView12 As ImageView    ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards)   
    '''Private ImageView13 As ImageView    ' Scoreboard Page (side Cards) 
    Private Img_CrdView_1 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_2 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_3 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_4 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_5 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_6 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_7 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_8 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_9 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_10 As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_J As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_K As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_Q As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private Img_CrdView_W As ImageView        'Scoring Page  (Card Image)
    Private IV_StartScreen As ImageView        ' Welcome Screen
    'Private img_Slider_4 As ImageView    ' ON WELCOME sCREEN --->Stats Page

    Private ImageView25 As ImageView         ' On Scoring Paaage, holds image of current Wild Card
    'Private img_Slider_9 As ImageView        ' On info Page --->GamePge_
    Private img_goback As ImageView            ' On Statistics --->Welcome Page
    'Private img_Slider_41 As ImageView        ' on Players Page --->Scoring Page
    Private img_reDo As ImageView            ' On Scoring Screen ---> Sets the first Player to mgo out snf hides scoring cards
    'Private img_help As ImageView            ' On Welcome Page --->Info Page
    Private b As ImageView                    ' Used a target for SENDER
    Private wc_txt As TextField                ' WildCard Card
    Private ScorePanel As Panel                ' panel that contains hand total labels (LXXXX)
    'Private backPanel As Panel
    'Private contentPanel As Panel
    Private Editor As Panel
    '''Private PanelDB As Panel
    Private WCeditorSel As String
    Private WildCardResults As Int            ' Accumulator for Wild Cards Used
    Dim PlyrPntr As Int                        ' Pointer to the Current Player of interest
    '''Private Game_ As Int
    Private Welcome_ As Int
    Private Players_ As Int
    Private Rules_ As Int
    Private Stats_ As Int
    Private Scoring_ As Int
    Dim Info_ As Int
    Dim pageNum As Int
    Private counter As Int
    '''Private WelcomePage As Int
    'Private ScorePage As Int
    ''Private ScoreCard As Int
    Private curHand As Int
    Private numPlayers As Int
    Private ScoreCardResult As Int
    Private LHand As Int
    Private wcSel As Int
    Private cardCount As Int
    Private Wilds(7, 14) As Int            ' Wild Card Totals for each Player each hand
    Private Scores(7, 14) As Int        ' Score totals for each Player each hand
    Private Total(7, 2) As Int            ' Total Holder for scores snd Wild Cards
    Private outF(13) As Int                ' PlayerPntr to the plsyer who went out first
    Private scoreIn(8, 14) As Int        ' Contains True if Player Pointer has had score taken
    Private sT(12) As String            ' Two lines of comments for who went out first snd with how many wild cards
    ''Private r As Int                    ' Players scrn points to selected name on Picker1
    Private hours As Label
    Private PageList(8) As String
    Private PageInit(8) As String
    Private Plyrs(8) As String
    Private PlayerPoolFileName As String= "x313PlayerPool.txt"
    Private CurPlayers As String = "CurrentPlayers.txt"
    Private statsData As String = "statsData.txt"
    Private FirstOut(12) As String    ' name of player that is first out Displayed in comments
    Private cellx As String         ' Edit Screen Array Pointer  To Column
    Private celly  As String        ' Edit Screen Array Pointer    To Row
    Private WCcoments(12) As String
    Private gameInProgressRec As String
    Private gameInProgressFN As String = "CurrentGame"
    Private gameRescueFN As String = "RescueGame"
    Private T As String
    '''Private Picker1 As Picker        ' Used to select players from database list
    Private PickerList As List
    Private ans As List
    Private ans2 As List
    ''Private GIPList As List
    'Private nxt As Boolean             ' used in scoring to progress between payers
    Private restoreData As Boolean
    Private exitroutine As Boolean
    ''''Private useKeyPd As Boolean
    Private sc As Label
    Private lastWild As Label:Private lbl_P_1 As Label:Private lbl_P_2 As Label:Private lbl_P_3 As Label:Private lbl_P_4 As Label:Private lbl_P_5 As Label:Private lbl_P_6 As Label
    Private L1001 As Label:Private L1002 As Label:Private L1003 As Label:Private L1004 As Label:Private L1005 As Label:Private L1006 As Label:Private L1007 As Label:Private L101 As Label:Private L102 As Label:Private L103 As Label             
    Private L104 As Label:Private L105 As Label:Private L106 As Label:Private L107 As Label:Private L2001 As Label:Private L2002 As Label:Private L2003 As Label:Private L2004 As Label:Private L2005 As Label
    Private L2006 As Label:Private L2007 As Label:Private L201 As Label:Private L202 As Label:Private L203 As Label:Private L204 As Label:Private L205 As Label:Private L206 As Label:Private L207 As Label:Private L3001 As Label
    Private L3002 As Label:Private L3003 As Label:Private L3004 As Label:Private L3005 As Label:Private L3006 As Label:Private L3007 As Label:Private L301 As Label:Private L302 As Label:Private L303 As Label
    Private L304 As Label:Private L305 As Label:Private L306 As Label:Private L4001 As Label:Private L4002 As Label:Private L4003 As Label:Private L4004 As Label:Private L4005 As Label:Private L4006 As Label
    Private L4007 As Label:Private L5001 As Label:Private L5002 As Label:Private L5003 As Label:Private L5004 As Label:Private L5005 As Label:Private L5006 As Label:Private L5007 As Label:Private L6001 As Label
    Private L6002 As Label:Private L6003 As Label:Private L6004 As Label:Private L6005 As Label:Private L6006 As Label:Private L6007 As Label:Private L7001 As Label:Private L7002 As Label:Private L7003 As Label
    Private L7004 As Label:Private L7005 As Label:Private L7006 As Label:Private L7007 As Label:Private L8001 As Label:Private L8002 As Label:Private L8003 As Label:Private L8004 As Label:Private L8005 As Label
    Private L8006 As Label:Private L8007 As Label:Private L9001 As Label:Private L9002 As Label:Private L9003 As Label:Private L9004 As Label:Private L9005 As Label:Private L9006 As Label:Private L9007 As Label
    Private A_lbl As Label:Private oldLabel As Label:Private lbl_Done As Label:Private InfoWebView As WebView:Private RulesWeb As WebView:Private lastVisibleFieldLeft As Int:Private lbl_Version As Label
    Private lbl_hand As Label:Private lv_1 As Label:Private lv_2 As Label:Private lv_3 As Label:Private lv_4 As Label:Private lv_5 As Label:Private lv_6 As Label:Private  ScoreCell As Label
    Private wc_lbl_1 As Label:Private wc_lbl_2 As Label:Private wc_lbl_3 As Label:Private wc_lbl_4 As Label:Private wc_lbl_5 As Label:Private wc_lbl_6 As Label:Private lbl_progress As Label
    'Private Button1 As Button:Private Button10 As Button:Private Button2 As Button:Private Button3 As Button:Private Button4 As Button:Private Button5 As Button:Private Button6 As Button:Private Button7 As Button:Private Button8 As Button:Private Button9 As Button
    'Private Switch1 As Switch
    'Private pnl_keypd As Panel
    'Private Button11 As Button
    Private Label8 As Label
    Private TheStats As TextView
    Private Btn_DeleteStatsFiles As Button
    Private endGame As Boolean
    Private lbl_wcPlayer As Label:Private RowLabels(14, 7) As Label
    Private SBPnl As Panel
    Private tprd(13) As String
    Private btn_wcAccept As Button
    Private btn_wcE_OK As Button
    Private wcEditor As Panel
    Private wcFirstOut As Button
    Private fn_array(12) As String
    Private onPlayerPage As Boolean
    Private frstouts(12) As Int
    Private wildCardDeck As List
    Private tabAnalysis As Label
    Private tabRAW As Label
    Private WebView1 As WebView
    Private dbFileList As List
    Private endLineD As String = "---------------------------------------"
    Private TheStatsBkUp As String
    Private welcme_btn_1 As Button
    Private welcome_Btn_2 As Button
    Private welcome_btn_3 As Button
    Private welcome_btn_4 As Button
    Private welcome_btn_5 As Button
    Private curPge As Page = WelcomePge
    Private GoBackHome_btn As Button
    Private Back2Game_btn As Button
    Private WCRDWILD(12) As String
    Private TimeLble As Label
    Private Timer_1 As Timer
    Private enableTimer As Boolean
    Private tmr_pause As Switch
    Private tmr_Show As Boolean
    Private tmr_offset As Long
    Private PlayerPanel As Panel
    Private tmx(12) As String
    Private outMsg(12) As String
    Private LList(12) As Label
    Private PrivacyPanel As Panel
    Private FilesList As List
    Private FilterPicker As Picker
    Private StrtTime As Long
    Private offset1(7) As Int
    Private AllPlayers As TextView
    Private PickerALL As Picker
    Private PickerNOW As Picker
    Private btn_xfer As Button
    Private PlayerlistView As CustomListView
    Private lbl_GamePlkayers As Label
    Private Btn_clear_player As Button
    Private Btn_AddNames As Button
    Private FMData_IV As ImageView
    Private RData_IV As ImageView
    Private ImageView12 As ImageView
    Private ImageView13 As ImageView
    Private ImageView14 As ImageView
    Private ImageView26 As ImageView
    Private Label1 As Label
    Private Label10 As Label
    Private Label2 As Label
    Private Label3 As Label
    Private Label4 As Label
    Private Label5 As Label
    Private Label6 As Label
    Private Label7 As Label
    Private Label9 As Label
    Private Panel1 As Panel
    Private Panel2 As Panel
End Sub

' ===========================================  GENERAL OPERATION  ============================================

Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
    offset1(2) = 360
    offset1(3) = 260
    offset1(4) = 220
    offset1(5) = 180
    offset1(6) = 140
    WCRDWILD(1) = "- 3's"
    WCRDWILD(2) = "- 4's"
    WCRDWILD(3) = "- 5's"
    WCRDWILD(4) = "- 6's"
    WCRDWILD(5) = "- 7's"
    WCRDWILD(6) = "- 8's"
    WCRDWILD(7) = "- 9's"
    WCRDWILD(8) = "- 10's"
    WCRDWILD(9) = "- J's"
    WCRDWILD(10) = "- Q's"
    WCRDWILD(11) = "- K's"

    tprd(1) = "first":tprd(2) = "second":tprd(3) = "third":tprd(4) ="fourth":tprd(5) ="fifth":tprd(6) = "sixth":tprd(7) = "seventh":tprd(8) = "eighth":tprd(9) = "ninth":tprd(10) = "tenth":tprd(11) = "eleventh"
    PageList(0) = "Welcome":PageInit(0) = "WELCOME":pageNum = 0:Welcome_ = 0
    PageInit(1) = "CHOOSE":PageList(1) = "ChoosePlayers":pageNum = 1:Players_ = 1
    PageList(4) = "Info":PageInit(4) = "INFO":pageNum = 4:Info_ = 4
    PageList(5) = "Rules":PageInit(5) = "RULES":pageNum = 5:Rules_ = 5
    PageList(6) = "statistics":PageInit(6) = "STATS":pageNum = 6:Stats_ = 6
    PageList(7) = "newScoreboard":PageInit(7) = "scoring":pageNum = 7:Scoring_= 7
    NavControl = Nav:displayPage(WelcomePge)
End Sub

'Sub AppName As String
'    Dim no As NativeObject
'    no = no.Initialize("NSBundle").RunMethod("mainBundle", Null)
'    Dim name As Object = no.RunMethod("objectForInfoDictionaryKey:", Array("CFBundleDisplayName"))
'    Return name
'End Sub

Sub AppVersion As String
    Dim no As NativeObject
    Dim version As Object
    no = no.Initialize("NSBundle").RunMethod("mainBundle", Null)
     version = no.RunMethod("objectForInfoDictionaryKey:", Array("CFBundleShortVersionString"))
    Return version
End Sub

'Private Sub KeyBoardUtil
'    pnl_keypd.Visible = useKeyPd
'    lbl_scr_J.Visible = Not(useKeyPd)
'    Lbl_scr_Q.Visible = Not(useKeyPd)
'    lbl_scr_K.Visible = Not(useKeyPd)
'    Img_CrdView_J.Visible = Not(useKeyPd)
'    Img_CrdView_Q.Visible = Not(useKeyPd)
'    Img_CrdView_K.Visible = Not(useKeyPd)
'End Sub

Private Sub tROUBLE
''''    lbl_P_1.text = Plyrs(1)
''''    lbl_P_2.text = Plyrs(2)
''''    lastVisibleFieldLeft = lbl_P_6.Left + lbl_P_6.Width + 2
''''    Select numPlayers
''''        Case 2
''''            panelF_visible (False):panelE_visible (False):panelD_visible (False):panelC_visible (False)
''''        Case 3
''''            panelF_visible (False):panelE_visible (False):panelD_visible (False):panelC_visible (True):lbl_P_3.Visible = True:lbl_P_3.text = Plyrs(3)
''''        Case 4
''''            panelF_visible (False):panelE_visible (False):panelD_visible (True):panelC_visible (True):lbl_P_3.Visible = True:lbl_P_3.text = Plyrs(3):lbl_P_4.Visible = True:lbl_P_4.text = Plyrs(4)
''''        Case 5
''''            panelF_visible (False):panelE_visible (True):panelD_visible (True):panelC_visible (True):lbl_P_3.Visible = True:lbl_P_3.text = Plyrs(3):lbl_P_4.Visible = True:lbl_P_4.text = Plyrs(4):lbl_P_5.Visible = True:lbl_P_5.text = Plyrs(5)
''''        Case 6
''''            panelF_visible (True):panelE_visible (True):panelD_visible (True):panelC_visible (True):lbl_P_3.Visible = True:lbl_P_3.text = Plyrs(3):lbl_P_4.Visible = True:lbl_P_4.text = Plyrs(4):lbl_P_5.Visible = True:lbl_P_5.text = Plyrs(5):lbl_P_6.text = Plyrs(6)
''''    End Select
''''    lastVisibleFieldLeft = lastVisibleFieldLeft + 5
End Sub

Private Sub displayPage(Pge As Page)
    Select Pge
        Case WelcomePge
            pageNum = 0:Welcome_ = 0
        Case PlayersPge
            pageNum = 1:Players_ = 1   
        Case InfoPge
            pageNum = 4:Info_ = 4   
        Case RulesPge
            pageNum = 5:Rules_ = 5   
        Case StatsPge
            pageNum = 6:Stats_ = 6   
        Case ScorePge
            pageNum = 7:Scoring_ = 7
    End Select
    curPge = Pge
    If Not(Pge.IsInitialized) Then
        Pge.Initialize(PageInit(pageNum))                '        Control.RemoveCurrentPage
    End If
    onPlayerPage = False
    Select Pge
        Case PlayersPge
            BtnClearAll.visible = True
        Case StatsPge
            Dim lst As List
            Dim x, y As Int
            Dim lne As String
            Dim gameline, nxtup As String
            Dim x As Int
            Dim htmlString As String = File.ReadString(File.DirAssets,"stats.txt")
            Dim tableCell As String = "<td><center><i>PPTD</center></i></td>"
            Dim dataCell_1 As String = "<td><left>"
            Dim dataCell_2 As String = "</left></td>"
            lne = "<h2>PlayerPool:<BR></h2>"
            For x = 0 To PickerList.Size - 1
                lne = lne & PickerList.Get(x) & "<BR>"
            htmlString = htmlString.Replace("<PLAYERPOOLDB>", lne)
            If File.Exists(File.DirDocuments, statsData) Then
                dbFileList = File.ReadList(File.DirDocuments, statsData)
            End If
            gameline =  "<center>"
            lne = ""
            split2("games,won,% won,1st outs,wildcards,wc won, full name", comma)
            For x = 0 To dbFileList.Size - 1
                gameline = gameline &  dataCell_1 & "<B>" & ans.Get(0) & "</B>" & dataCell_2
                '    0                1             2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
                ' NickName, (LstName FirstName), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                '    0      2    3    4      5         6       7      8
                ' player,games,won,% won,1st outs,wildcards,wc won,player full
                For y = 2 To 7
                    gameline = gameline &  "<center>"
                    If y = 4 Then
                        If ans.Get(y) = "1" Then ans.set(y, "0.999")
                    End If
                    gameline = gameline & dataCell_1 & ans.Get(y) & dataCell_2
                Dim nm As String = ans.Get(1)
                nm = nm.Replace( ")", "" )
                nm = nm.Replace( "(", "" )
                gameline = gameline & "<B>" & dataCell_1 & nm & "</B>"  & dataCell_2
                gameline = "<tr>" & gameline  & dataCell_2 & "</tr>"
            nxtup = ""
            split2("player,games,won,% won,1st outs,wildcards,wc won,full name", comma)
            For x = 0 To ans2.Size - 1
                nxtup = nxtup & tableCell.Replace("PPTD", "<B>" & ans2.Get(x) & "</B>")
            htmlString = htmlString.Replace("<PLAYERPOOLDATA>", nxtup)
            htmlString = htmlString.Replace("<PLAYERPOOLDATA2>", gameline)
            WebView1.LoadHtml( htmlString )
            Dim chra, chrb As Int
            For gameNum = 1 To 5000
                If File.Exists(File.DirDocuments, gameFile & gameNum) Then
                    Dim lne As String
                    lne = File.ReadString(File.DirDocuments, gameFile & gameNum)
                    lne = lne.replace("|", "")
                    chra = lne.LastIndexOf("DatePlayed:") + 11
                    chrb = lne.LastIndexOf("^")
                    If chrb = -1 Then chrb =chra + 12
                    Dim lne2 As String  = lne.substring2(chra, chrb)
'                    FPList.Add(lne2)
                    TheStats.Text = TheStats.Text & lne
                    TheStatsBkUp = TheStats.Text
                    gameNum = 15000
                End If
        Case ScorePge
            RowLabels(1, 1) = L1001:RowLabels(1, 2) = L1002:RowLabels(1, 3) = L1003:RowLabels(1, 4) = L1004:RowLabels(1, 5) = L1005:RowLabels(1, 6) = L1006
            RowLabels(2, 1) = L2001:RowLabels(2, 2) = L2002:RowLabels(2, 3) = L2003:RowLabels(2, 4) = L2004:RowLabels(2, 5) = L2005:RowLabels(2, 6) = L2006
            RowLabels(3, 1) = L3001:RowLabels(3, 2) = L3002:RowLabels(3, 3) = L3003:RowLabels(3, 4) = L3004:RowLabels(3, 5) = L3005:RowLabels(3, 6) = L3006
            RowLabels(4, 1) = L4001:RowLabels(4, 2) = L4002:RowLabels(4, 3) = L4003:RowLabels(4, 4) = L4004:RowLabels(4, 5) = L4005:RowLabels(4, 6) = L4006
            RowLabels(5, 1) = L5001:RowLabels(5, 2) = L5002:RowLabels(5, 3) = L5003:RowLabels(5, 4) = L5004:RowLabels(5, 5) = L5005:RowLabels(5, 6) = L5006
            RowLabels(6, 1) = L6001:RowLabels(6, 2) = L6002:RowLabels(6, 3) = L6003:RowLabels(6, 4) = L6004:RowLabels(6, 5) = L6005:RowLabels(6, 6) = L6006
            RowLabels(7, 1) = L7001:RowLabels(7, 2) = L7002:RowLabels(7, 3) = L7003:RowLabels(7, 4) = L7004:RowLabels(7, 5) = L7005:RowLabels(7, 6) = L7006
            RowLabels(8, 1) = L8001:RowLabels(8, 2) = L8002:RowLabels(8, 3) = L8003:RowLabels(8, 4) = L8004:RowLabels(8, 5) = L8005:RowLabels(8, 6) = L8006
            RowLabels(9, 1) = L9001:RowLabels(9, 2) = L9002:RowLabels(9, 3) = L9003:RowLabels(9, 4) = L9004:RowLabels(9, 5) = L9005:RowLabels(9, 6) = L9006
            RowLabels(10, 1) = L101:RowLabels(10, 2) = L102:RowLabels(10, 3) = L103:RowLabels(10, 4) = L104:RowLabels(10, 5) = L105:RowLabels(10, 6) = L106
            RowLabels(11, 1) = L201:RowLabels(11, 2) = L202:RowLabels(11, 3) = L203:RowLabels(11, 4) = L204:RowLabels(11, 5) = L205:RowLabels(11, 6) = L206
    End Select
    NavControl.NavigationBarVisible = False
    Pge.RootPanel.Color = 0xFFFAEBD7
    NavControl.ShowPage(Pge)                 '     animated display transition = ShowPage2(Pge, animation)
End Sub

Private Sub nextsub
    Select pageNum
        Case Welcome_
            If Not(lbl_Version.isinitialized) Then lbl_Version.Initialize("lbl_Version")
            lbl_Version.Text = "v" & AppVersion
        Case Players_
            Dim lne As String
            Dim x As Int
            onPlayerPage = True
'''            If restoreData Then
'''                File.Delete(File.dirDocuments, PlayerPoolFileName)
'''                File.Delete(File.dirDocuments, CurPlayers)
'''            End If
            If File.Exists(File.dirDocuments, PlayerPoolFileName) Then
                PickerList = File.ReadList(File.dirDocuments, PlayerPoolFileName)
                If PickerList.Size<2 Then
                    'pickerlistDead = True
                End If
                'pickerlistDead = True
                File.WriteList(File.dirDocuments, PlayerPoolFileName, PickerList)
                PickerList= File.ReadList(File.dirDocuments, PlayerPoolFileName)
            PickerALL.SetItems(0, PickerList)
            Dim lst As List
            'TrsToLoad = TrsToLoad + 1
                'If pickerlistDead Then
                    'If TrsToLoad<2 Then
                        'GeneralMessage("The current players list is empty.  It looks like it is the first time you are using this app." & CRLF & "We will add two demo players so that you can progress on your tour" & CRLF & "To erase the demo players tap 'Clear Players for next game' and add your own names.")
                        'Plyrs(1) = "Bob"
                        'Plyrs(2) = "Wanda"
                        'pickerlistDead = False
                        'doingDemo = True
                        'numPlayers = 2
                'End If
            'End If
            If File.Exists(File.DirDocuments,CurPlayers) Then
                lst = File.ReadList(File.DirDocuments,CurPlayers)
                numPlayers = lst.Size
                For x = 1 To lst.Size
                    Plyrs(x) = lst.Get(x-1)
                Dim lne2 As String = "-,(-,-)^-,(-,-)^-,(-,-)^-,(-,-)^-,(-,-)^-,(-,-)"
                lne = ""
                For x = 0 To PickerList.Size - 1
                    lne = lne & PickerList.Get(x) & "^"
                lne = lne & lne2
                split2(lne, "^")
                For x = 0 To 5
                    Plyrs(x + 1) = ans2.Get(0) 'POSSIBLE BUG
            End If
            Player_1.text = Plyrs(1):Player_2.text = Plyrs(2):Player_3.text = Plyrs(3):Player_4.text = Plyrs(4):Player_5.text = Plyrs(5):Player_6.text = Plyrs(6)
            If File.Exists(File.DirDocuments, gameInProgressFN) Then
                gameInProgressRec = File.ReadString(File.DirDocuments, gameInProgressFN)
            End If
            '''If numPlayers>0 Then numPlayers = numPlayers-1
        Case Info_
            Dim htmlString As String = File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "Info.html")
            InfoWebView.Color = ( 0xFFFAEBD7 )
            InfoWebView.LoadHtml( htmlString )
        Case Rules_
            Dim htmlString As String = File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "GameRules.html")
            RulesWeb.LoadHtml(htmlString )
        Case Stats_   
            ScoreCardResult = 0
            WildCardResults = 0
            txt_score.text = "0"
            lv_1.Text = Plyrs(1):lv_2.Text = Plyrs(2):lv_3.Text = Plyrs(3):lv_4.Text = Plyrs(4):lv_5.Text = Plyrs(5):lv_6.Text = Plyrs(6)
            lbl_wcPlayer.Text = "select player "
            Lbl_PlayerNick.Text= ""        ' Name on Scoring Screen
            cardCount= 0
            lbl_Scr_Tot.Text= "0/0"        ' Screen Total on Scoring Screen
            If curHand = 0 Then curHand = 1
        Case Scoring_
            cardCount = cardCount
'''                If doingDemo Then
'''                    Dim x, y, scre As Int
'''                    doingDemo = False
'''                    For y = 1 To 2
'''                        For x = 1 To 10
'''                            Scores(y,x)= Y
'''                        Next
'''                    Next
'''                    numPlayers = 2
'''                End If
        End If
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub LblUt(L As Label)
    L.Text = "0"`
    L.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub clearPlyrs
    Dim x As Int
    For x = 1 To 6
        Plyrs(x) = ""
    Player_1.Text = ""
    Player_2.Text = ""
    Player_3.Text = ""
    Player_4.Text = ""
    Player_5.Text = ""
    Player_6.Text = "
End Sub
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
more code:
Private Sub MakeCommentLabel(L As Label, adjLbl As Label, num As Int)
    '''    L.Initialize("wcEdit")
    L.Top = adjLbl.Top
    L.Width = 120
    L.Height = adjLbl.Height
    L.Multiline = True
    L.Color = Colors.RGB(255, 228, 196)
    L.Tag = num
    L.TextAlignment = L.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    L.Font = Font.CreateNew2("AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold", 18)
    L.TextColor = xui.Color_RGB(0, 100, 0)
    If num = curHand Then
        If AllIn(11) And outF(11)>0 And num = 11 Then
            L.TextColor = xui.Color_RGB(0, 100, 0)
            L.TextColor = xui.Color_RGB(255, 0, 0)
        End If
    End If
    'Dim tw As Int:
    'tw = offset1(numPlayers)
    SBPnl.AddView(L, lastVisibleFieldLeft + 5, adjLbl.Top + 9, (lastVisibleFieldLeft+lbl_P_1.Width) + Label8.width, adjLbl.Height)
    L.Text = sT(num)
    L.Visible = True
    LList(num) = L
End Sub

Sub GeneralMessage(msg As String)
    xui.MsgboxAsync(msg, "info")
    'If msg.Contains("is out first") Then
End Sub

Sub split(itm As String)
    Dim ix As Int
    Dim strt_ix As Int = 0
    Dim l As String = itm
    Dim li As String
    ix = l.IndexOf2(comma, 0)
    Do Until ix = - 1
        li = l.SubString2(strt_ix, ix)
        strt_ix = ix + 1
        ix = l.IndexOf2(comma, ix + 1)
    li = l.SubString(strt_ix)
End Sub

Sub split2(itm As String, sep As String )
    Dim ix As Int
    Dim strt_ix As Int = 0
    Dim l As String = itm
    Dim li As String
    ix = l.IndexOf2(sep, 0)
    Do Until ix = - 1
        li= l.SubString2(strt_ix, ix)
        strt_ix = ix + 1
        ix = l.IndexOf2(sep, ix + 1)
    li = l.SubString(strt_ix)
End Sub
    '                            ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'                                ===============================================  WELCOME PAGE  =============================================
'                                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Private Sub welcome_btn_5_Click
End Sub

Private Sub welcome_btn_3_Click
End Sub

Private Sub img_Slider_3_Click             ' Game Scrn
    displayPage(WelcomePge)                ' Back to Welcome Scrn
End Sub

Private Sub welcme_btn_1_Click
End Sub

Private Sub welcome_Btn_2_Click
    Select Case  curPge
        Case WelcomePge
        Case PlayersPge
            If numPlayers<2 Then
                GeneralMessage("Please register and choose at least two players.")
            End If
            If Plyrs(1) = "" Then Return
            Dim x, y As Int
            Dim plStr, dbStr As String
            Dim fnd As Boolean
            Dim dataStr As String = ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
            PickerList = File.ReadList(File.dirDocuments, PlayerPoolFileName)
            If File.Exists(File.dirDocuments, statsData) Then
                dbFileList = File.ReadList(File.dirDocuments, statsData)
                dbFileList = PickerList
                For x = 0 To dbFileList.Size - 1
                    dbStr = dbFileList.Get(x)
                    dbStr = dbStr & dataStr
                    dbFileList.Set(x, dbStr)
                File.WriteList(File.DirDocuments, statsData, dbFileList)
            End If
            Dim orfsze As Int = dbFileList.Size - 1
            For x = 0 To orfsze
                dbStr = dbFileList.Get(x)
                For y = 0 To PickerList.size - 1
                    plStr = PickerList.Get(y)
                    If dbStr.Contains(plStr) Then fnd = True
                If fnd = False Then
                    dbFileList.Add(plStr & dataStr)
                End If
                fnd = False
            displayPage(ScorePge)            ' Play Game
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub welcome_btn_4_Click
End Sub

Private Sub GoBackHome_btn_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Back2Game_btn_Click
End Sub
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The Error.
shell\src\com\wzl\gk\ error: 'try' without 'catch', 'finally' or resource declarations
try {
1 error

is generated at subs that previously caused no problems. When an offending sub is eliminated, another sub takes its place.
Upvote 0

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Your problem is in the "nextsub" sub.
You have a Select case and in the case "Players_" you have a If

you use further "Case" statements in this "If" statement without using a new "Select".
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Last edited:
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