True VGA IS POSSIBLE with Basic4Ppc


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Hi guys...

yes its true...
Althoug not directly suported by Basic4ppc, True VGA enable devices CAN take advantage of the 600+480 screen resolution...



Copy the suplied file and rename it to the exe file...
eg:to run the basic4ppc ide in true vega mode add to the exe directory the file and rename it to Basic4ppc.exe.0409.MUI....

The same should be added to the final compiled app, of course, renaming the file to YourApp.exe.0409.MUI

PS: in order to upload the file I added the extension ".txt", so you must delete that part of the filename

The only "bugs" in this trick is that the font size used by the basic4ppc form designer is still double pixell so we must reduce it manualy...and some controls like combo box are also stuck in double pixel...the buttons look ok though....

I've found that a good replacement for "standart" 9 pixel font is 6, or even 5 pixel....

PS: EREL could you please adda "Control font size" option in the from designer that would affect all the controls added?
Or atleast,(i already serached but only found the ide font variable in an ini file...), tell us how this could be done without having to go over every control to change it.....


  • Basic4ppc.exe.0409.MUI.txt
    10.5 KB · Views: 512
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B4X founder
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Very interesting... Cableguy can you upload a zip file with a complete example?
About the font size, you could use the new GetControls and ControlType keywords to change the font of all the controls.
Sub Globals
    'Declare the global variables here.
    Dim ctrls(0)
End Sub

Sub App_Start
    ctrls() = GetControls("")
    For i = 0 To ArrayLen(ctrls())-1
        Control(ctrls(i)).FontSize = 5
End Sub


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Sorry I missed this one...
A zip?....

Do you have a vga able device?
just put the file in the apps forlder and you'll see what I mean....
Somehow the more graphic controls like the combobox, check box, etc, are not affected by this tweak, the same with the fonts setted in dll controls like my aboutpanel....don't know if a dll similar control is affected in the same way.....


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I have just found this and tried it but failed.
I have wm5 vga device, copied the file to the same directory as Basic4PPC.exe, tried every combination of rename but got the message that it is not a valid ppc program. I ran Basic4PPC but nothing unusual happened.
What have I missed please?


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It works on any program (more or less), just delete the .txt...

Image your program is called myapp, then the file name would be myapp.0409.MUI....

It was teste in my device wich is a TRUE vga capable device not a qvga...


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On the device I have program files\Basic4PPC.
In that directory I have Basic4PPC.exe and your file renamed to Basic4PPC.0409.MUI.exe
If I run the first it does not run in VGA mode, it is normal.
If I run the second it says Not a valid ppc application.

I must be doing something wrong.

Also, I don't understand the extension 0409.MUI, why is it added and what does it do?

Further help appreciated


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Sorry my mistake on the previous post....

it should have read....

This, as I understand it, makes a call to a system file changing it's visusl parameters....

For further information please google it...
As I'm still also looking for a more effective way of achieveing this...


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Thank you Cableguy. Reading the article caused me to realise I mis-read\understood your original post and put .exe on the end of the mui file.

Sorry for wasting your time, it now works.


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If someone can learn anything, then no time is waisted, even if it is just to realise that nothing was taught.


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Hi Cableguy
Just for confirmation, this patch does not work for VGA enabled Pocket PC 2003 with .NET framework installed, doesn't it?


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Cableguy (philosopher and wise person), something was taught, to read more carefully, at least twice before asking!


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Hi Cableguy
Just for confirmation, this patch does not work for VGA enabled Pocket PC 2003 with .NET framework installed, doesn't it?

As far as I could find info on, it's only wm5 and wm6 (almost) compatible...

There are other apps that deal with all the settings needed to achieve full true vga, especially concerning the system fonts and some visual controls as described in the firsts posts of this thread...

this ....mui file is a poor mans solution, giving us a glance of what true vga would look like in our apps....


Well-Known Member
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That does make sense, Cableguy. My iPAQ hx4700 with PCC2003SE does not respond at all, nor did it hang up or reboot :)


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90% of all my device related upgrade issues is first seached at xda developers, as their forum host a series of device-specific sub-forums....
Try a seach there and you'll not came empty handed