B4J Question Try Banano and get the error


Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: D:\Android\additional libraries\B4XlibXMLFiles
Starting to transpile...
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\app1643164401879.js
Loading layout baselayout...
Loading layout home...
Processing b4xlib: bananovuetifyad3
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
Adding Layout baselayout used by pgindex
Adding Layout home used by viewhome
Merging CSS files...
CSS files are merged in the order you added them
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\materialdesignicons.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\roboto.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\info-box.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\flowy-vue.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\helpers.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue-form-wizard.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vjsf.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\loader-1.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\material-ui.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vuetify.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\prism.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\Chart.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\leaflet.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\tippygoogle.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\quill.snow.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue2-editor.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\print.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\animate.min.css
Merging Javascript files (not used in a Service Worker)...
-> JS files are merged in the order you added them.
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\alasql.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\papaparse.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuetify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-router.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dayjs.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\numeral.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-count-to.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\flowy-vue.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\prism.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-prism-component.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-css.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-html.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-clipboard.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lodash.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\markerclustererplus.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\gmap-vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-blur.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\sweetalert2.all.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.plugin.autotable.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\html2canvas.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\qrcode.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\axios.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-form-wizard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vjsf.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\fileSaver.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jszip.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\oxml.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xlsx.full.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\moment.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chart.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartjs-adapter-date-fns.bundle.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartkick.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\leaflet.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet-movingmarker.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\firesql.umd.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-tippy.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\collect.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\md5.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuewebcam.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\quill.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-editor.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\VueQrcodeReader.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\anime.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.find.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-beautiful-chat.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xstate.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dragula.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vkanbanboard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\print.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\aes.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-animate-css.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lottie.min.js
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\index.html

The total size of your local CSS and JS files is 11.7MB and another 3.7MB in other assets.
It is very important to only load the JS and CSS files from components that you actually use in your website/webapp!

If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Reading B4J INI in C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J to find Additional Libraries folder...
Found Additional Libraries folder: D:\Android\additional libraries\B4XlibXMLFiles
Starting to transpile...
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\app1643164401879.js
Loading layout baselayout...
Loading layout home...
Processing b4xlib: bananovuetifyad3
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
DEPRECIATED: use the normal B4J IiF instead
Adding Layout baselayout used by pgindex
Adding Layout home used by viewhome
Merging CSS files...
CSS files are merged in the order you added them
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\materialdesignicons.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\roboto.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\info-box.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\flowy-vue.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\helpers.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue-form-wizard.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vjsf.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\loader-1.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\material-ui.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vuetify.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\prism.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\Chart.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\leaflet.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\tippygoogle.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\quill.snow.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\vue2-editor.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\print.min.css
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\styles\animate.min.css
Merging Javascript files (not used in a Service Worker)...
-> JS files are merged in the order you added them.
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\alasql.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\papaparse.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuetify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-router.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dayjs.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\numeral.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-count-to.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\flowy-vue.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\prism.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-prism-component.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-css.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\beautify-html.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-clipboard.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lodash.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\markerclustererplus.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\gmap-vue.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-blur.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\sweetalert2.all.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jspdf.plugin.autotable.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\html2canvas.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\qrcode.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\axios.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-form-wizard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vjsf.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\fileSaver.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\jszip.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\oxml.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xlsx.full.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\moment.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chart.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartjs-adapter-date-fns.bundle.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\chartkick.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\leaflet.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-leaflet-movingmarker.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\firesql.umd.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-tippy.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\collect.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\md5.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vuewebcam.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\quill.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue2-editor.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\VueQrcodeReader.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\anime.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\pouchdb.find.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vue-beautiful-chat.umd.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\xstate.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\dragula.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\vkanbanboard.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\print.min.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\aes.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\v-animate-css.js
--> D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\scripts\lottie.min.js
Building D:\laragon\www\bvad3hello\index.html

The total size of your local CSS and JS files is 11.7MB and another 3.7MB in other assets.
It is very important to only load the JS and CSS files from components that you actually use in your website/webapp!

If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions.
Have you installed Laragon?


If you have started Laragon, then B4J will open the index page (https://localhost/bvad3hello/index.html) in your browser.
Upvote 0


I can see the page has been generated.
But it can't be shown in browser.
I don't konw what's this mean:
"If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions."


Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
"If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions."
This just means the generated Web App is very big and maybe some css/js files could be placed on a public CDN to speed things up. It has nothing to do with why it does not work for you.

Note that this is not a BANano problem (BANano does not need Laragon), but a BDAV3 requirement.

Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
Please note there is no need to install laragon development webserver if you already have a webserver up and running.

Laragon is just my personal choice as it makes development easy for me without fuss. You can use any webserver of your choice and it's not a requirement at all, but a webserver is indeed needed to run Banano apps just like any website.
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
I can see the page has been generated.
But it can't be shown in browser.
I don't konw what's this mean:
"If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions."

View attachment 124714
What if you double click on the index.html file?
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
What if you double click on the index.html file?
Yes this will work, the issue will be if you have php code, it won't work without a webserver. Jetty does not have php, and yes one can run php scripts on it with some configurations.

So it's just better to have a dev webserver, especially if you will develop php based webapps, use some https based stuff etc.
Upvote 0


I am confused about the concept between Banano and BananoVuetifyAD3.

click on the index.htm
it's ok !
I think I have to learn it step by step. I think maybe I missed something which confused me.

Upvote 0


Ignore the red hint:

The total size of your local CSS and JS files is 11.7MB and another 3.7MB in other assets.
It is very important to only load the JS and CSS files from components that you actually use in your website/webapp!

If you are using public frameworks (like jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, etc...), consider using their CDN so the browser can use already buffered versions.

What I have done under there :
change config:
from : ServerIP=http://localhost

to : ServerIP=http://localhost:8080

It works !
Upvote 0