Hi all ,
Finally I got it working with B4A . The class is included with the attached example.
I know it is not the fanciest example or class you would see but at least it is working and you are welcome to improve it (especially error handling
I was just trying to make it work ) .
Also I just added setStatus function but it should be very easy to add all other functions - I hope so .
Download Twitter4J and copy JARs to Libraries folder
You also need Threading Library
Add your ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret to the project : Create your own app here .
Also if I am doing anything wrong please let me know .
Finally I have a question : This library needs threading almost for every function at least those I tested . Is it OK to add a thread for every function or is there any other better way ?
Update 23DEC2015 :
New Example Twitter4JMediaNewAuthorization.zip : Modified with pin code Authorization .
Update : New version Twitter4JMedia.zip
Modified Authentication as it seems that old one is not working .
Added a method to tweet with media (Tested a .png picture ).
Finally I got it working with B4A . The class is included with the attached example.
I know it is not the fanciest example or class you would see but at least it is working and you are welcome to improve it (especially error handling
Also I just added setStatus function but it should be very easy to add all other functions - I hope so .
Download Twitter4J and copy JARs to Libraries folder
You also need Threading Library
Add your ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret to the project : Create your own app here .
Also if I am doing anything wrong please let me know .
Finally I have a question : This library needs threading almost for every function at least those I tested . Is it OK to add a thread for every function or is there any other better way ?
Update 23DEC2015 :
New Example Twitter4JMediaNewAuthorization.zip : Modified with pin code Authorization .
Update : New version Twitter4JMedia.zip
Modified Authentication as it seems that old one is not working .
Added a method to tweet with media (Tested a .png picture ).
Last edited: