Android Question two or more android devices to access 1. (shared) sqlite database


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is it possible from 2 or more android devices (in my case tablets) to access 1. (shared) sqlite database.

i want to have all this in a common network.
From 2 tablets (or more) i want to access one database.

is sqlite 'so similar' to microsoft access... so that you don't need a 'server'. So a file based database ?



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Yes, you can build a B4J server with SQLite backend. You can use jRDC2 or my Web API template.
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hi @aeric

but I am not looking for this kind of solution. I just want to do it with B4a and a (file) database.
Otherwise I have to set up a server again ?
Then I can dock to a MySql_Database with a little json and php. ?

Greetings Frank
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If I am not wrong, other Android device cannot write into another Android due to file permission, the internal directory is not accessible.
There are solutions by turning your Android into a web server by @Star-Dust but I never tested before.

Edit: Other solution like MQTT also can be consider and also I never tested before.
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Another option is to keep a separate database on each device and update missing entries on each database base when they connect.

It won't be simple, but without a server, that's the only solution I can think of.
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