Android Question Unexplained high memory use of my app


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My app is using GPS and WebSocket.
If the app is receiving some specific messages when the working activity is paused or the screen is turned off, then I turn the screen on and I show the relevant with the message objects.
When the app opens the working activity after the pause/screen off state, then I have a memory increase of about 100MB. if the activity is not paused then I have an instant increase of ~20MB that after some seconds is being wiped.
Note that when the screen is automatically turned on, I call StartActivity() from the PushService module.
The following "code" is the LogCat without filter, in case anyone can see any reason of the memory increase.
If it is not so helpful, please PM me to send you my app.
It's relatively big and it is difficult to make a smaller example, because I don't know where the problem would be!
M: 556974541 > QR;8e185c7466aa0f51799ec5149716c2bf
RMS.AwareSceneRecognize: SceneRec sceneType :4, eventType:1, pkg=com.vf.rmmobi2
Launcher onPause()
Launcher.MotionManager stopMotionAppsReco begin,mFlg = 403
Launcher.MotionManager stopMotionAppsReco service flg 403 is unavailable
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5041900): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=8486912, usage=0xb33
gralloc_register_buffer:75: Registering handle coming from the same process: 432.
do not support AFT because of no config
Can't getService HwBDService
do not support AFT because of no config
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000004
Device reconfigured: id=4, name='huawei,touchscreen', size 1080x1920, orientation 1, mode 1, display id 0
Reading a NULL string not supported here.
Reading a NULL string not supported here.
do not support AFT because of no config
Model  onReceive intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED flg=0x70000010 }
Model  onReceive user=UserHandle{0}
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5041d00): interfmt=200000001, stride=1920, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
do not support AFT because of no config
CalendarWidgetService info:LanguageChangeReceiver:android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
Launcher.Utilities updateOrientToPortrait original orientation = 2
Launcher.Utilities updateOrientToPortrait: update configuration to portrait
Launcher.Settings  updateIconTitleSize fontSize = 12.0
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d505af00): interfmt=200000001, stride=1920, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031400): interfmt=200000001, stride=1920, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
APS: enable: true, mPermissionType:0
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031f00): interfmt=200000001, stride=1920, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0
20102353| onUpdate : 2222 dis 1539 ca 65.443 goal 10000
20102353|this devices not support widget bg recognized
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5041d00)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031700)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031f00)
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d505f000): interfmt=200000001, stride=1088, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5041400)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d505ae00)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031400)
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d500f200): interfmt=200000001, stride=1088, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031700): interfmt=1, stride=128, size=983040, usage=0xb00
** Activity (actworker) Resume **
RMS.AwareSceneRecognize: SceneRec sceneType :4, eventType:0, pkg=null
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615a00)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d500ff00)
reportFullscreenMode on inexistent InputConnection
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615200): interfmt=200000002, stride=1664, size=5627904, usage=0x300
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5041f00)
do not support AFT because of no config
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615c00): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=8355840, usage=0x8000100
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615d00): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=8355840, usage=0x8000100
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615e00): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=8355840, usage=0x8000100
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031200): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=557056, usage=0xb00
Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 210645(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(29MB) LOS objects, 0% free, 92MB/92MB, paused 7.027ms total 115.768ms
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5041d00): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=557056, usage=0xb00
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70cfc75000): interfmt=200000002, stride=1664, size=5627904, usage=0x300
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615200)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615c00)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615d00)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615e00)
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031f00): interfmt=1, stride=1088, size=557056, usage=0xb00
mDateString is: Τετ, 23 Αυγούστου
mDateString is: Τετ, 23 Αυγούστου
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615200): interfmt=200000002, stride=1664, size=5627904, usage=0x300
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70cfc75000)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d505af00)
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d500f600): interfmt=200000001, stride=1088, size=8486912, usage=0xb00
** Service (gpsservice) Start **
Partial wakeLock already held.
remove ed93d70
This is not beta user build
action:android.location.LOCATION_REQUEST_CHANGE_ACTION, mPermissionType:0
action:android.location.HIGH_POWER_REQUEST_CHANGE, mPermissionType:0
isAllowedByCurrentUserSettingsLocked started: local_database
applyRequirementsLocked to local_database
provider request: local_database ProviderRequest[ON interval=0]
isAllowedByCurrentUserSettingsLocked started: gps
applyRequirementsLocked to gps
provider request: gps ProviderRequest[OFF]
WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@430d39)
setRequest ProviderRequest[OFF]
stopNavigating, mStarted=true
reportStatus status: 2
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031700)
action:android.location.GPS_ENABLED_CHANGE, mPermissionType:0
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615400)
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031c00)
request 562ccdf gps Request[ACCURACY_FINE gps requested=+1s0ms fastest=+1s0ms] from com.vf.rmmobi2(10180)
applyRequirementsLocked to gps
reportStatus status: 4
provider request: gps ProviderRequest[ON interval=+1s0ms]
WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@8f75d2c)
reportStatus status: 2
getUserType = 6
action:android.location.LOCATION_REQUEST_CHANGE_ACTION, mPermissionType:0
action:android.location.HIGH_POWER_REQUEST_CHANGE, mPermissionType:0
** Service (pushservice) Start **
WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@430d39)
This is not beta user build
This is not beta user build
setRequest ProviderRequest[ON interval=+1s0ms]
startNavigating, singleShot is false
setting position_mode to MS_BASED
reportStatus status: 3
reportStatus status: 1
action:android.location.GPS_ENABLED_CHANGE, mPermissionType:0
GpsDataThread alive
WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0,$GpsRequest@8f75d2c)
This is not beta user build
getUserType = 6
Partial wakeLock already held.
report state:3 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(5, 0, null)
WakeLock acquired by handleInjectNtpTime()
WakeLock released by handleMessage(5, 0, null)
report state:3 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
action:action_inject_location, mPermissionType:0
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70cfc75000): interfmt=1, stride=128, size=983040, usage=0xb00
receive broadcast intent, action: action_inject_location
mEngineOn && mStarted ,get location from DB, inject to GPS  Module
WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(7, 0, Location[local_database 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m49s3ms])
WakeLock released by handleMessage(7, 0, Location[local_database 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m49s3ms])
Execute handleInjectNtpTime()
nitzTime is invalid, get systemTime.
Inject time : 1503510756550, priority : 2
WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(10, 0, null)
WakeLock released by handleMessage(10, 0, null)
WakeLock released by handleInjectNtpTime()
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031c00): interfmt=1, stride=128, size=983040, usage=0xb00
Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 23328 in void com.vf.rmmobi2.actworker$ResumableSub_NewMessage.resume(anywheresoftware.b4a.BA, java.lang.Object[])
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510757000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
TTFF: 19
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m49s15ms alt=325.90069437046986 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m49s15ms alt=325.90069437046986 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
action:android.location.GPS_FIX_CHANGE, mPermissionType:0
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5041f00): interfmt=1, stride=128, size=983040, usage=0xb00
updateBluetooth:::setBluetoothBatteryEnable false.
updateBluetooth::bluetoothEnabled:false, bluetoothConnected=false, bluetoothTransfering=false
EventCenter Get
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14877(669KB) AllocSpace objects, 29(95MB) LOS objects, 18% free, 69MB/85MB, paused 2.495ms total 134.384ms
checkPkgType. calling pkg: android
checkPkgType. calling pkg: com.huawei.iaware
onTransact in code is: 103
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031900)
New LatLng:38.05464249001274 - 23.81873784355885
ZPoly: 23.81873784355885 38.05464249001274
Zone Is: 2
New Zone: 2
RDRT Passed!
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2288(145KB) AllocSpace objects, 34(107MB) LOS objects, 17% free, 77MB/93MB, paused 3.332ms total 126.036ms
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5041900)
NZones: 2:0:6:1#3:0:2:0#4:0:1:0#5:1:16:4#13:0:3:1#16:0:8:3#31:0:4:2#39:0:3:2
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 673(40KB) AllocSpace objects, 39(127MB) LOS objects, 20% free, 62MB/78MB, paused 2.288ms total 124.629ms
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
Launcher onStop()
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 33626(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 98(1960KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 11MB/19MB, paused 8.444ms total 93.040ms
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 872(57KB) AllocSpace objects, 43(141MB) LOS objects, 18% free, 72MB/88MB, paused 2.460ms total 130.369ms
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 248(22KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(34MB) LOS objects, 21% free, 57MB/73MB, paused 1.738ms total 101.513ms
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510758000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m50s20ms alt=325.9019535560112 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m50s20ms alt=325.9019535560112 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615b00): interfmt=200000002, stride=1664, size=5627904, usage=0x300
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615200)
newrrt.ogg: -6640
  sample -6640 not READY
creating media extractor in calling process
Users across the process calls!
extractor created in uid: 10180 (u0_a180)
MuxOMX ctor
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615400): interfmt=2, stride=448, size=1085440, usage=0x300
OMX_Init done
makeComponentInstance( in com.vf.rmmobi2 process
In onAllocateComponent create compenent, codec name:
mime is [audio/vorbis] at configureCodec
mime is [audio/vorbis] at setAudioFormat
onChangeState mState= 1, mTargetState = 1, state = 2
checkTransitions mState = 1, mTargetState = 2
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70d5031700): interfmt=2, stride=448, size=1085440, usage=0x300
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70bd615400)
onChangeState mState= 2, mTargetState = 2, state = 3
checkTransitions mState = 2, mTargetState = 3
allen debug liyu Key: 0
alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x70bd615400): interfmt=2, stride=448, size=1085440, usage=0x300
alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x70d5031700)
onChangeState mState= 3, mTargetState = 3, state = 2
onChangeState mState= 2, mTargetState = 2, state = 1
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions mState = 2, mTargetState = 1
OMX_Deinit done
Pid:28003 SoundChannel play
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutputForAttr() attr usage=1 content=2 flags=0
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutputForAttr() returns output 13 stream 3
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 44100 Hz, output 48000 Hz
key: 'mode' value: ''
Pid:721 add track (3)
using new track 0xd4bdb100 for sample 2
startOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14105
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
setOutputDevice() device 0x0002 delayMs 0 force 1
setOutputDevice() changing to device 0x0002 , muteWaitMs 0
sound_trigger_set_parameters:set_parameters string![srs_cfg:trumedia_enable=1]
setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 79324 num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 10011 generation1 10011
start_output_stream++: out_type = 0, out_device = 0
report state:2 event type:1 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
select_devices++ mode[0]
output_device_id is 2, output_route is media-speaker;input_source_id is 0, input_route is null.
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 2
get_smartpa_sence:device = 0x2
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
Pid:721 deleteTrackName(2)
pop change S4 OL SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
pop change S4 OR SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
pop change SP IL SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
pop change SP IR SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 2
get_smartpa_sence:device = 0x2
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
maxim_control_algo : product_name = FRD
codec_adsp_send_sync_cmd:ioctl ret=0
smartpa_control succ with value:1
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 27140(1058KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(2MB) LOS objects, 27% free, 42MB/58MB, paused 1.087ms total 131.172ms
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510759000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m51s26ms alt=325.9033946812874 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m51s26ms alt=325.9033946812874 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
Starting a blocking GC Explicit
Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3133(168KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(7MB) LOS objects, 24% free, 50MB/66MB, paused 1.993ms total 133.829ms
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510760000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m52s16ms alt=325.9048992302618 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m52s16ms alt=325.9048992302618 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
last release audio mix uid:10180 pid:-2
stopOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14105
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
setOutputDevice() device 0x0000 delayMs 80 force 0
setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
report state:2 event type:2 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
[charger_ic] temp_new :41  temp_old :40
Report temperature: [charger_ic] temp :41  report_threshold:1
[ap] temp_new :41  temp_old :40
Report temperature: [ap] temp :41  report_threshold:1
routenotif.ogg: -4200
  sample -4200 not READY
creating media extractor in calling process
Users across the process calls!
extractor created in uid: 10180 (u0_a180)
MuxOMX ctor
OMX_Init done
makeComponentInstance( in com.vf.rmmobi2 process
In onAllocateComponent create compenent, codec name:
mime is [audio/vorbis] at configureCodec
mime is [audio/vorbis] at setAudioFormat
onChangeState mState= 1, mTargetState = 1, state = 2
checkTransitions port is not populate
checkTransitions mState = 1, mTargetState = 2
onChangeState mState= 2, mTargetState = 2, state = 3
checkTransitions mState = 2, mTargetState = 3
onChangeState mState= 3, mTargetState = 3, state = 2
onChangeState mState= 2, mTargetState = 2, state = 1
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions port buf count is not zero
checkTransitions mState = 2, mTargetState = 1
OMX_Deinit done
Pid:28003 SoundChannel play
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutputForAttr() attr usage=1 content=2 flags=0
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutputForAttr() returns output 13 stream 3
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 44100 Hz, output 48000 Hz
key: 'mode' value: ''
Pid:721 add track (2)
using new track 0xc7a64700 for sample 3
startOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14113
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
setOutputDevice() device 0x0002 delayMs 0 force 1
setOutputDevice() changing to device 0x0002 , muteWaitMs 0
report state:2 event type:1 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
sound_trigger_set_parameters:set_parameters string![srs_cfg:trumedia_enable=1]
select_devices++ mode[0]
setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 79332 num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
Pid:721 deleteTrackName(3)
listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 10012 generation1 10012
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510761000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m53s16ms alt=325.90673912346153 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m53s16ms alt=325.90673912346153 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
last release audio mix uid:10180 pid:-2
stopOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14113
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
setOutputDevice() device 0x0000 delayMs 80 force 0
setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
report state:2 event type:2 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510762000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m54s12ms alt=325.90869835372524 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h35m54s12ms alt=325.90869835372524 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
action:android.intent.action.SIG_STR, mPermissionType:0
received cell-signal:5
subId:0 phoneType:1 networktype:13 targetClass:3 masterLevel:4 slaveLevel:-1
version : 1
dealReportData length 19
abi 25 total 5230 total floor 0 totalCar 1024 total dis 2048
stepPace 4096 stepLength 8192 speed 16384 touchdown_ratio 32768 reserved1 0 reserved2 0
20102353|onStandStepChanged 5230
dealReportData tm: 2017-08-23 20:52:42 steps_value[0] : 0 state_value[0]:0 level_value[0]:0
###### finish ####
isBeginOfToday: 23 -> 23
isBeginOfToday: false
dealReportData: diff = 0
Report client count 1
20102353|onExtend:1503510762000 0 0 0
20102353| getTodayTotalDetailSteps from Prefence success and todaySendorSteps= 1503510660000##2222##1440976##2655##0##164140475
routenotif.ogg: 3
Pid:28003 SoundChannel play
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
reusing track 0xc7a64700 for sample 3
20102353|setTodayTotalDetailSteps to Prefence todaySendorSteps=1503510660000##2222##1440976##2655##0##164154479
startOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14113
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
setOutputDevice() device 0x0002 delayMs 0 force 1
setOutputDevice() changing to device 0x0002 , muteWaitMs 0
report state:2 event type:1 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
sound_trigger_set_parameters:set_parameters string![srs_cfg:trumedia_enable=1]
select_devices++ mode[0]
setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 79340 num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 10013 generation1 10013
20102353|calculateCaloriesWithCache totalCalories=65420
20102353|calculateAltitudeWithCache totalAltitude=0
ID_VIDEO_START :  EventID=30000 Pkg=com.vf.rmmobi2 Pid=0
Ratio: 76 Auto: true
report state:10015 event type:1 pid:0 uid:0 pkg:com.vf.rmmobi2 to pid: 1208
write LcdCinemaNode success value :1
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510763000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m55s19ms alt=325.93267318264435 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m55s19ms alt=325.93267318264435 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
action:android.intent.action.SIG_STR, mPermissionType:0
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
received cell-signal:5
subId:0 phoneType:1 networktype:13 targetClass:3 masterLevel:4 slaveLevel:-1
last release audio mix uid:10180 pid:-2
stopOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14113
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
setOutputDevice() device 0x0000 delayMs 80 force 0
setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
report state:2 event type:2 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
Ratio: 100 Auto: false
report state:10011 event type:1 pid:0 uid:0 pkg:com.vf.rmmobi2 to pid: 1208
Pid:1208 SoundChannel play
getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
reusing track 0x75857a5780 for sample 1
startOutput() output 13, stream 1, session 13633
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
setOutputDevice() device 0x0002 delayMs 0 force 1
setOutputDevice() changing to device 0x0002 , muteWaitMs 0
sound_trigger_set_parameters:set_parameters string![srs_cfg:trumedia_enable=1]
select_devices++ mode[0]
setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 79348 num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
report state:2 event type:1 pid:1208 uid:1000 pkg:null to pid: 1208
listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 10014 generation1 10014, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0
Received message
stopOutput() output 13, stream 1, session 13633
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
setOutputDevice() device 0x0000 delayMs 80 force 0
setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
basenotif.ogg: 1
Pid:28003 SoundChannel play
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutputForAttr() attr usage=1 content=2 flags=0
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutputForAttr() returns output 13 stream 3
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 44100 Hz, output 48000 Hz
key: 'mode' value: ''
Pid:721 add track (3)
using new track 0xc78dc200 for sample 1
startOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14121
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
setOutputDevice() device 0x0002 delayMs 0 force 1
setOutputDevice() changing to device 0x0002 , muteWaitMs 0
sound_trigger_set_parameters:set_parameters string![srs_cfg:trumedia_enable=1]
select_devices++ mode[0]
setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 79356 num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 10015 generation1 10015
Pid:721 deleteTrackName(2)
new hook event
report state:2 event type:2 pid:1208 uid:1000 pkg:null to pid: 1208
report state:2 event type:1 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request: The target server failed to respond
Retrying request
NZones: 2:0:6:1#3:0:2:0#4:0:1:0#5:1:16:4#13:0:3:1#16:0:8:3#31:0:4:2#39:0:3:2
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510764000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m56s20ms alt=325.9355203236969 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m56s20ms alt=325.9355203236969 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
last release audio mix uid:10180 pid:-2
stopOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14121
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
setOutputDevice() device 0x0000 delayMs 80 force 0
setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
report state:2 event type:2 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
action:android.intent.action.SIG_STR, mPermissionType:0
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
received cell-signal:5
subId:0 phoneType:1 networktype:13 targetClass:3 masterLevel:4 slaveLevel:-1
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 33153(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 98(1960KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 11MB/19MB, paused 8.728ms total 94.390ms
GetZ Called!
New LatLng:38.05464249001274 - 23.81873784355885
ZPoly: 23.81873784355885 38.05464249001274
Zone Is: 2
shouldBlockLocation running ...
shouldBlockLocation  ret:false
shouldBlockLocation running ...
shouldBlockLocation  ret:false, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510765000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m57s17ms alt=325.9724107382511 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m57s17ms alt=325.9724107382511 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
shouldBlockLocation running ...
shouldBlockLocation  ret:false
shouldBlockLocation running ...
shouldBlockLocation  ret:false, mPermissionType:0
MSG_QUERY_TCP_INFO called,count:6646
######### CMD_QUERY_PKTS ########
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=0,arg2=9
poll before: g_monitor_fd =249
getStatic,count:0,work status:false
QOS_level:5(5),use RAT:4G;signalLvl:5
[M/listen_server] dsm_stat_mm has error (924003001) reported
[M/listen_server] action-0, cname-dsm_stat_mm, info-0
[M/dsm_dump_error] dsm_stat_mm finish dump 44 bytes
[M/listen_server] Enter select
[M/listen_server] dsm_stat_mm has error (924003001) reported
[M/listen_server] action-0, cname-dsm_stat_mm, info-0
[M/dsm_dump_error] dsm_stat_mm finish dump 44 bytes
[M/listen_server] Enter select
App usage reports: 5
Usage reports 5 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
action:android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED, mPermissionType:0
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
Sync complete for account: 1077571048
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510766000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m58s19ms alt=326.02630917972925 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m58s19ms alt=326.02630917972925 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
Indexing 818FE7297AD0B4D33A2FE133E98855ED26207D83 from
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
Indexing done 818FE7297AD0B4D33A2FE133E98855ED26207D83
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0, mPermissionType:0
[M/listen_server] dsm_stat_mm has error (924003001) reported
[M/listen_server] action-0, cname-dsm_stat_mm, info-0
[M/dsm_dump_error] dsm_stat_mm finish dump 44 bytes
[M/listen_server] Enter select
[M/listen_server] dsm_stat_mm has error (924003001) reported
[M/listen_server] action-0, cname-dsm_stat_mm, info-0
[M/dsm_dump_error] dsm_stat_mm finish dump 44 bytes
[M/listen_server] Enter select
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510767000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m59s16ms alt=326.0853780637884 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h35m59s16ms alt=326.0853780637884 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
do_out_standby standby: 0, out_device: 2
select_devices++ mode[0]
output_device_id is 0, output_route is null;input_source_id is 0, input_route is null.
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 0
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
codec_adsp_send_sync_cmd:ioctl ret=0
smartpa_control succ with value:0
pop change S4 OL SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
pop change S4 OR SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
pop change SP IL SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
pop change SP IR SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 0
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510768000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m0s19ms alt=326.14747400594797 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m0s19ms alt=326.14747400594797 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
isHighLoadProcess: get cpu failed
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510769000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m1s13ms alt=326.2111007230835 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m1s13ms alt=326.2111007230835 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
basenotif.ogg: 1
Pid:28003 SoundChannel play
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
getOutputForDevice() returns output 13
reusing track 0xc78dc200 for sample 1
startOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14121
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
setOutputDevice() device 0x0002 delayMs 0 force 1
setOutputDevice() changing to device 0x0002 , muteWaitMs 0
report state:2 event type:1 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
sound_trigger_set_parameters:set_parameters string![srs_cfg:trumedia_enable=1]
setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 79364 num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
start_output_stream++: out_type = 0, out_device = 0
select_devices++ mode[0]
output_device_id is 2, output_route is media-speaker;input_source_id is 0, input_route is null.
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 2
get_smartpa_sence:device = 0x2
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts 8 generation 10016 generation1 10016
pop change S4 OL SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
pop change S4 OR SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
pop change SP IL SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
pop change SP IR SWITCH SWITCH dir 1
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 2
get_smartpa_sence:device = 0x2
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
maxim_control_algo : product_name = FRD
codec_adsp_send_sync_cmd:ioctl ret=0
smartpa_control succ with value:1
last release audio mix uid:10180 pid:-2
stopOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 14121
getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
setOutputDevice() device 0x0000 delayMs 80 force 0
setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
checkOutputForStrategy() getDeviceForStrategy strategy=3 newDevice=2 oldDevice=2
report state:2 event type:2 pid:28003 uid:10180 pkg:null to pid: 1208
ChargingSpeed  Wattage: -1 ST: 5000000 --> 7500000
BatteryInfo updated:  2lPc-1
sendMessage with obj100
refreshBatteryInfo: null
getCharge info with type: text
Handle message: 100, mPermissionType:0
20102353|onStandStepChanged 5230
version : 1
dealReportData length 19
abi 25 total 5230 total floor 0 totalCar 1024 total dis 2048
stepPace 4096 stepLength 8192 speed 16384 touchdown_ratio 32768 reserved1 0 reserved2 0
dealReportData tm: 2017-08-23 20:52:50 steps_value[0] : 0 state_value[0]:5 level_value[0]:0
###### finish ####
isBeginOfToday: 23 -> 23
isBeginOfToday: false
dealReportData: diff = 0
Report client count 1
20102353|onExtend:1503510770000 0 0 5
20102353| getTodayTotalDetailSteps from Prefence success and todaySendorSteps= 1503510660000##2222##1440976##2655##0##164154479
20102353|setTodayTotalDetailSteps to Prefence todaySendorSteps=1503510660000##2222##1440976##2655##0##164161975
20102353|calculateCaloriesWithCache totalCalories=65420
20102353|calculateAltitudeWithCache totalAltitude=0
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510770000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m2s20ms alt=326.2784416336344 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m2s20ms alt=326.2784416336344 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
[charger_ic] temp_new :40  temp_old :41
Report temperature: [charger_ic] temp :40  report_threshold:1
[ap] temp_new :40  temp_old :41
Report temperature: [ap] temp :40  report_threshold:1
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
action:android.intent.action.SIG_STR, mPermissionType:0
received cell-signal:5
subId:0 phoneType:1 networktype:13 targetClass:3 masterLevel:4 slaveLevel:-1
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510771000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m3s17ms alt=326.3502662337189 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m3s17ms alt=326.3502662337189 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 32638(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 98(1960KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 11MB/19MB, paused 8.798ms total 94.068ms
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510772000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m4s17ms alt=326.3576538967703 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m4s17ms alt=326.3576538967703 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
do_out_standby standby: 0, out_device: 2
select_devices++ mode[0]
output_device_id is 0, output_route is null;input_source_id is 0, input_route is null.
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 0
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
codec_adsp_send_sync_cmd:ioctl ret=0
smartpa_control succ with value:0
pop change S4 OL SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
pop change S4 OR SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
pop change SP IL SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
pop change SP IR SWITCH SWITCH dir 0
dsp_common_control_algo:set device = 0
maxim_get_prop: get codec_name succ, codec_name = hi6402
maxim_get_prop: get multi mic function enable succ, multi_mic_enable = 0
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510773000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m5s16ms alt=326.3652402386694 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m5s16ms alt=326.3652402386694 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510774000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m6s15ms alt=326.37309501307294 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=6 et=+1d21h36m6s15ms alt=326.37309501307294 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510775000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m7s15ms alt=326.3812974500942 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m7s15ms alt=326.3812974500942 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
MSG_QUERY_TCP_INFO called,count:6647
######### CMD_QUERY_PKTS ########
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=0,arg2=9
poll before: g_monitor_fd =249
getStatic,count:0,work status:false
QOS_level:5(5),use RAT:4G;signalLvl:5
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510776000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m8s18ms alt=326.38983431533063 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m8s18ms alt=326.38983431533063 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510777000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m9s12ms alt=326.47236956266045 vel=0.0]
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m9s12ms alt=326.47236956266045 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
getUserType = 6
EventHub monitor: no key events in the past 4179s,
reportLocation lat: XXXXXX long: XXXXXX timestamp: 1503510778000speed:0.0, bearing:0.0
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m10s15ms alt=326.480085893778 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
incoming location: Location[gps 38******,24****** acc=4 et=+1d21h36m10s15ms alt=326.480085893778 vel=0.0]
getUserType = 6
Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 32708(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 98(1960KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 11MB/19MB, paused 8.478ms total 103.166ms
Thank you in advance.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel!
You are right, because I tried to find something in this log with no luck!
Anyway, I've done a heap dump and analysing with MAT, I've found the most expensive object is Google Maps:
Class Name                                                       | Shallow Heap | Retained Heap | Percentage
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ 0x134cd268|           40 |     1,829,400 |      5.31%
|- java.util.HashMap @ 0x134cd290                                |           40 |     1,829,336 |      5.31%
|  |- java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry[4] @ 0x135c19e0             |           32 |     1,829,280 |      5.31%
|  |  |- java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry @ 0x134dbe08             |           24 |     1,085,128 |      3.15%
|  |  |- java.util.HashMap$HashMapEntry @ 0x13bf9e80             |           24 |       564,144 |      1.64%
I use 3 map objects loaded once, with 2 markers each, that I keep them on the maps and the only I do is changing their locations every time needed.
The panels that contain those maps, are simply being visible = false when it's not needed to show and visible = true, bringtofront when I want to show them.
Any idea what may cause the memory increase?

Thank you in advance!
Last edited:
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