Android Question Unexplicable behaviour in For each v As View In Panel.GetAllViewsRecursive


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Hi all,

I have a primitive question which makes me stupid:

In a panel (pnlInput) I have labels, checkboxes and buttons. With GetAllViewsRecursive I want to handle all views. But the Else command (***) is never processed. It seems all views are labels but they aren't.

For Each v As View In pnlInput.GetAllViewsRecursive
            If (v Is Label) Then

            Else   ' ***

                If v Is CheckBox Then
                   v.Left = PanelWidth - 1.5*v.Width
                    If v Is Button Then
                        v.Width = PanelWidth - 6%x
                        v.Left = 3%x
                    End If
                End If
            End If

Any idea what is wrong?


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Thanks you very very much. This saved my week start!

Now it works like expected.

But it means that IS doesn't word in all cases correctly.
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Yes it works correctly, as they ARE all a form of TextView (Label), so it is correct, but you want to know which particular one it is. Therefore you need to check the lowest level first.
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So if I have in a panel some EditTexts, Buttons and Labels and want only to set the TextSize of the labels the code must be:

For Each v As View In pnlInput.GetAllViewsRecursive
   If (v Is EditText) Then
      ' DoNothing
     if (v Is Button) then
        ' DoNothing
        if (v Is Label) then  
           v.TextSize = 32
        End If      
     End If
   End If

Is this correct?
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Yes that looks OK, except that View doesn't have the TextSize method, you'll need to assign it to a Label variable first:

 If (v Is Label) Then
    Dim L As Label = V
    L.TextSize = 32
End If
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Or more concisely:
If (v Is Label) And Not(V Is EditText) And Not(V Is Button) Then
    Dim L As Label = V
    L.TextSize = 32
End If

But it does the same thing
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Although I learned very much from you I must disagree to you:

Dim v As View
Dim et As EditText
Dim Result As Boolean
v = et
Result = v Is Label
Msgbox(Result, "")

Result is True and that is false!
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Although I learned very much from you I must disagree to you:

Dim v As View
Dim et As EditText
Dim Result As Boolean
v = et
Result = v Is Label
Msgbox(Result, "")

Result is True and that is false!

In what way is False???
As stated before, Label is a subclass of TextView, so the Natural result is "TRUE"
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In what way is False???
As stated before, Label is a subclass of TextView, so the Natural result is "TRUE"

OK, in future I know in which sequence to use the commands "If .. Is ... Then" within
"GetAllViewsRecursive". But that is for me a workaround.

That a Label is a subclass of TextView is right, but the statement "v Is Label" with the result "True" above is wrong - for me. V in this case is a EditText and NOT a Label. The description of the command "Is" is not so helpful - for me.
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it is an android issue, and not a B4A one...
As suggested, use the Tag property as a way to differentiate the different sub-classes
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If it's critical, you could always try doing a more thorough compare:

Sub IS2(V As View,CompareTo As String) As Boolean
    Select CompareTo.ToUpperCase
        Case "LABEL"
            If(GetType(V) = "android.widget.TextView") Then Return True
        Case "CHECKBOX"
            If(GetType(V) = "android.widget.CheckBox") Then Return True
        Case "EDITTEXT"
            If(GetType(V) = "android.widget.EditText") Then Return True
    End Select
    Return False
End Sub
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It is not critical because I know this problem now. In another example I read all views of a panel with "GetAllViewsRecursive" and wanted to set the textsize of all labels and wondered that the textsize of the buttons also were scaled. Now I know why.

The result of IS2 is the behaviour that I expect of the command "Is" - like described.

Thanks again.
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