Uninstalling Java 6 SDK


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello All,

I need to uninstall/re-install the Java SDK to see if it fixes compile error.

I ran the one installer: jdk-6u26-windows-i586.exe

In Add/Remove Programms I have 3 programs:
Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 Update 26
Java(TM) 6 Update 26
Java DB

Verified by creation date of the folders.

Should I remove in any specific order because of interdependancy?

Thanks & Regards

A real :sign0104:


Licensed User
Longtime User

Hello All,

Went to Add/Remove programs,
Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 Update 26 (un-installed O.K)
Java DB (un-installed O.K)

However when un-installing the: Java(TM) 6 Update 26
It gave a "Fatal Error during Install" message box. :BangHead: (Not sure why install?)
It was still in Add/Remove programs, and lots of files and debris in Java install folder

So a quick Google for:
"Java(TM) 6 Update 26 Fatal Error during Uninstall"
Found references to using "Revo Uninstaller"
Downloaded, installed and run, Removed all the debris/files.

It was still showing in Add/Remove programs,
So a quick Google for: "program still in add remove after uninstall"
Found references to: Edit registry to remove entry
I created a restore point in Win XP, just in case.
Followed the instructions on how to remove entries.
Now it is no longer in the Add/Remove programs. :sign0060:

Now I will try to re-install JDK, see if compile errors occur.?

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