Wish Universal Webview


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Hi, I write media centre apps, for Android devices, that don't usually have google support!!! So no playstore, no inbuilt webviewers etc. I think im right in saying that webview uses the web browser capabilities provided by google, for example the Amazon Firestick/box webview does not work!!! the same can be said for Ouya (old but still popular) ,Nvidea shield, and reportedly some other obscure devices! So I WISH, some sort of universal webview was made available either as a lib or part of b4a!




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WebView should work on all devices including devices without Google software.

This is not the case, Amazon Fire TV devices for example display a message box saying that web browser functionality is not available and the url I pass is displayed telling me that on a computer I should enter that url! a custom web control (I understand will be quite large, and require a lot of work, as basically your writing a browser) but I really do need it!

I have no clue on librarys and wrappers but a google search shows a few webviews in github!

is this one? https://github.com/TheFinestArtist/FinestWebView-Android


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