Android Question Update Android V4.1.2 Serial problems


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Longtime User
Today I make update for my LG to Android V4.1.2, after this update my app hangs, when I try to read from BT serial interface.
Do you know problems with serial lib after update android ?

If SerInp.BytesAvailable > 0 Then

This code hangs

Please help


Licensed User
Longtime User
You should use AsyncStreams to work with the bluetooth stream.
Hi Erel,
thank you for your fast answer.
The problem is, my App is finished, everything works, after update Android the problem starts.
If I change to AsyncStreams, this is a lot of work.
Are you shure, that this will work ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
AsyncStreams work for sure.

Another option is to set android:targetSdkVersion="4" (not 14) in your manifest file. This may solve this issue. Though AsyncStreams is the only reliable way to work with such stream.

Hi Erel,
this don't solve the problem
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