Android Question Update dynamic icon from timer in background service


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Many messaging apps now have a feature that the icon displays something like a small counter on the icon indicating that there are new messages, even when the app is closed. Additionally, the user can manually turn this service on/off.

I would like to recreate this functionality. My best guess is that there is a background service running with a Timer in it (similar to creating a Timer and Tick event in the Starter section) that routinely checks a remote server for unread messages and, given new messages, updates the icon (I'm guess that the service is either a Foreground or Stick service). And, the user has the option to turn this background service on or off.

Does anyone have an example of how to do something like this?


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That's exactly what I was talking about. Considering the three ways of implementing a background service, as discussed here:, I'm thinking of trying either the #2 (long-running, StartForeground solution) or #3 (Sticky, killed and recreated solution) type of background service, as both would get up-to-the-minute results, I believe. Do you recommend one over the other?
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