Uploading to Google tells me 0 Devices will be able to see my app


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just curious if anyone else is seeing the same problem.

I have written 2 apps that I am trying to upload to the developers console on google. They upload just fine but I see this..

"This application is only available to devices with these features, as defined in your application manifest.

This application is available to over 0 devices."

the manifest is the default one set by B4A, what is weird is that I added a permissions to one of them manually for the internet and then it uploaded just fine and told me just how many devices will be able to see my application. but it seems hit and miss, as I had to update it and re upload it and then I was told that 0 devices could see it.

Just wondering if there is a trick I am missing as it seems to be trial and error!




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This may or may not help, but I usually write my own manifest XML and then lock b4a from editing it. Any edits would need to be made manually.

HTC = Hate The Consumer
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Make sure your Manifest file has the following entries

<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" 
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Longtime User
thanks, both,

I do have the "supports screens" code in the manifest.

going to do what I did last time to make it work, keep trying.. I will play around and see if I can figure out why its being weird.
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Longtime User
OK even weirder, or maybe I was never doing it right, I went back to reupload my APK again, and instead clicked on the activate link (I had previously not done that) and now its saying I can install to over 1452 devices.

guess its a google thing.
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