If you are comfortable with Googlemaps automation then please pm me.
a very simple project to geocode and reverse-geocode addresses and lat-lons.
Budget around £50 depends on quality of code.
I created this with the version 4.2 beta version 4.0 if you just copy that, see if they can fit you,
then if you need help you can.
excuse my english with google translate!
Change you package name
Change Path librery gogle-play-services
GogleMapsGeo-1.0 Various functions google map + geocode
GogleMapsGeo-1.1 Various functions google map + geocode and reverse-geocode
GogleMapsGeo-1.2 Simplified to better understand geocode and reverse-geocode
GogleMapsGeo-1.0 Various functions google map + geocode
GogleMapsGeo-1.1 Various functions google map + geocode and reverse-geocode
GogleMapsGeo-1.2 Simplified to better understand geocode and reverse-geocode
I think I am missing a lib.. will check again.
Generating R file. Error
ERROR: resource directory 'C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res' does not exist
Hello dear Beja,
Probably the Google Play Services lib that you will find into your Android SDK's folder
And if you don't find it inside that folder (follow the path), check if you can not install it from the "Extras" section of your SDK manager
for my experience bubu SDK download again after work !!!
The file you downloaded then copy them to the Inner without re-download them just do not delete the folder, rename SDK only.
I hope Etrel or someone who has a copy of that file makes it available here, or on the library section.
If the problem is just one file that can be copied then it should be available I believe, unless it doesn't violate Google rights.
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