maybe I'm just being dumb but how does "Intent" work?
I got sample code but it won't compile (Unknown type: intent) - what libs do I need to include for this class???
Please see the code below:
Sub ShowWifiSettings
Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize( "android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS", "")
i.Flags = 268435456
End Sub
M. le Roux
maybe I'm just being dumb but how does "Intent" work?
I got sample code but it won't compile (Unknown type: intent) - what libs do I need to include for this class???
Please see the code below:
Sub ShowWifiSettings
Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize( "android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS", "")
i.Flags = 268435456
End Sub
M. le Roux