Android Question USB Serial problem


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Longtime User
I apologize me for the English, I write for the following problem:
Connecting a converter to the tablet usb - > rs232 and starting my program I get the correct state of the device (Fig.1). If remove the converter and reboot the program I get the state of the wifi with his/her deactivate (Fig.2), because? With different tablet I always get the same result.
Should not I have the notification of any connected device?
I use the bookstore UsbSerial2.3 and B4a 3.0.
Thanks for the support.


  • Fig1.jpg
    295.6 KB · Views: 277
  • Fig2.jpg
    295.8 KB · Views: 249


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel, the problem is that if remove the converter the

Dim CassaSeriale As UsbSerial
Msgbox(CassaSeriale.DeviceInfo, "Device Information")

he/she returns me that on the usb it is connected the card wifi and you/he/she is disarmed.
Fig.2 preceding post. Why?
The result should be "No device USB" or there is a way to get this and not to make to deactivate the wifi

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Licensed User
Longtime User
That looks like yet another Android device that is reporting the internal USB connected Realtec WiFi chip to an application program which it really shouldn't. It should reserve it for the system, like it does with USB connected keyboards and mice, and not expose it to applications.The USB implementation on Android really sucks in several ways!
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