Android Question Use centered image for panel background


Well-Known Member
as u know image view has a property named gravity which has two special gravity named Gravity.Fill and Center
now i have a panel and i want to use an image as a background for this panel which is a drawable or bitmap
but images in panel's background have the Fill gravity as default and will be stretched but i want to use some thing like Gravity.Center property for a panel similar to image view
i know panel has not gravity and maybe we need to set drawable or bitmaps gravity and i know it's possible by add another panel or image view into base panel but what i'm looking for it is a direct way to achieve to this
thanks in advance
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You can use BitmapDrawable and change its gravity property.

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Well-Known Member
thank u @Erel
Private Sub setBitmapDrawableGravity(Drawable As BitmapDrawable, DrawableGravity As Int)
        Dim jo As JavaObject = Drawable
End Sub
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