I need to write an app with support of ModbusTCP server and client. Before to rewrite the wheel (by coding protocol) i'm trying to use external library (easymodbusTCP) with inline java. I start with B4J example (InlineJava) adding part of library class. At first run compiler give me an error on import "gnu.io"
Is there any way to use this gnu.io library in B4J?
I need to write an app with support of ModbusTCP server and client. Before to rewrite the wheel (by coding protocol) i'm trying to use external library (easymodbusTCP) with inline java. I start with B4J example (InlineJava) adding part of library class. At first run compiler give me an error on import "gnu.io"
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import gnu.io.CommPort;
import gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier;
import gnu.io.SerialPort;
src\b4j\example\class1.java:10: error: package gnu.io does not exist
import gnu.io.CommPort;
1 error
I found the package gnu.io as Java binary but this library isn't include in B4J editor (maybe not compatible with B4J). Is there any way to use this gnu.io library in B4J?