Use Google licensing service or not?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm currently using the google licensing service for my app to protect it from being illegally copied.

I'm thinking about to remove it.


I currently have two versions of the app. A free version with ads (which don't use licensing service) and a paid version which uses the licensing service.
The problem with the paid version is that it can only be purchased from Google play store. I now want to publish my app on some other stores, too (AndroidPIT, Amazon, ...) and there are two choices:

1. Remove the licensing check at all.
2. Use the stores licensing check feature of every store you want to sell your app with. (This will result in writing some additional library wrappers I think since there is only the Google one available)

The drawback of choice 2 is that you have to create several versions of your app and this is a bad thing to handle.

Anyone here has experiences with paid apps that don't use the licensing service? How much will they be pirated compared to an app that is protected with the licensing service?


Licensed User
Longtime User
From what I researched it was not worth putting Google licensing library.
1. For the reason you mentioned above i.e. integrating each stores licensing library.
2. The issues related to debugging the library, and some (end) users have reported issues with market licensing.
3. It takes one click to patch the licensing.

I dont have a paid app yet, but from what I read around it is more of a pain to use than a benefit. People who dont want to pay $1 will not pay for it.