Does anyone see a glaring error here?? Because Assuredly ONE of my wifi connections IS connected but the results of this little method all say no connection is actually connected:
IS this more appropriate then ??? I had hoped I could check the Is Connected..
Sub WiFiTwo
Dim r As Boolean
Dim a As Int
Dim nFo As ABWifiInfo
r = myWifi.ABLoadWifi()
nFo = myWifi.ABGetCurrentWifiInfo()
Msgbox("Connected 0 :: " & nFo.IsConnected, "")
If r = True Then
Msgbox (myWifi.ABGetCurrentWifiInfo().SSID, "")
For a = 0 To myWifi.ABNumberOfAvailableWifiNetworks - 1
Msgbox(myWifi.ABGetWifiNetwork(a).SSID & " " &
myWifi.ABGetWifiNetwork(a).Level & " " &
myWifi.ABGetWifiNetwork(a).IsConnected, "")
End If
End Sub
IS this more appropriate then ??? I had hoped I could check the Is Connected..
Sub WiFiThree
Dim r As Boolean
Dim a As Int
Dim nFo As ABWifiInfo
r = myWifi.ABLoadWifi()
nFo = myWifi.ABGetCurrentWifiInfo()
Msgbox(nFo, "")
If nFo <> Null Then
Msgbox ("Apparently it is connected", "PLPLP")
Msgbox ("Apparently NO connection is active ", "PLPLP")
End If
End Sub