I would like to use ListDrawableStates with panels.
I have run the ListDrawableStates example and it works fine, but if I try to substitute a panel for a button, nothing happens. Ditto if I try to substitute a Label. So this raises some questions ...
Is it possible to do this?
Am I trying to monitor states that don't exist on these other views?
How/where do I find out on what states I can change colors - is this a property of the view, or a property of the drawable?
I have run the ListDrawableStates example and it works fine, but if I try to substitute a panel for a button, nothing happens. Ditto if I try to substitute a Label. So this raises some questions ...
Is it possible to do this?
Am I trying to monitor states that don't exist on these other views?
How/where do I find out on what states I can change colors - is this a property of the view, or a property of the drawable?