Using multiple types in an list


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I have the following problem.

I've got three types. And three parameters which uses these types.

Sub Process_Globals
Type TBarcodes(volgnr As Int, _
         barcode As String, _

Type Tregel (regel_id As String, _
      aantal As Int, _
        eenheid As String, 
barcode as list)

Type TZending (zendingid As String, _
        vrachtnr As String, _
        o_naam As String, _
Zendingregels As List)

Dim fZending    As TZending
Dim fregel    As Tregel
Dim fbarcode    As TBarcodes

Dim z01, z03 as string
dim r01, r02 as string

I'm using the xmlparser to read the xml file. Therefor i've got global strings and i use an endelement to fill thes strings. When the last string has been read i fill fzending.
Same goes for fregel

Sub PDA_EndElement (Uri As String, Name As String, Text As StringBuilder)

If Name = "z03" then  
    Dim fZendingx As TZending
    fZendingx.BestelLijst = z01
    fZendingx.zendingid = z03
    fZending = fZendingx

end if
'then i read the lines (this can be multiple)
If Name = "r" then  
    Dim fRegelx As Tregel
    Dim fZendingx as Tzending
    fRegelx.regel_id    = r01
    fRegelx.aantal    = r02

'next i want to add fRegelx to fZending
    fzendingx = fzending

end if

Eventually i want to add also a list to fzending.zendingregels.barcode (fBarcode).

The program failes at fZending.Zendingregels.add
Initializing with fzending.zendingregels.initialize doesn't have an effect.

Any thoughts?
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i've done some editing. But the initializing of the list doesn't do the trick. By initializing the list (fZending.initialize), isn't the type initialized also?
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