I think that I am yet again a victim of my own ignorance having forgotten everything I ever learnt about Java with not using it for six years.
Apparently I need to add the @RaisesSynchronousEvents annotation to some methods in my BasicLibIDE library so that it will work with the rapid debugger.
So I did - like this.
But this is the result of compiling with SLC, which works fine without the annotations
I think that maybe there is an import missing as the RaisesSynchronousEvents annotation is not recognised.
Indications of where the stupidity lies please!
Apparently I need to add the @RaisesSynchronousEvents annotation to some methods in my BasicLibIDE library so that it will work with the rapid debugger.
So I did - like this.
private void raiseuievent(final String eventsub, final Object... args)
// we need to check the thread we are on at event or call time
// because we could be newed on main thread and invoked on another
if (Thread.currentThread() == guithread)
// use raiseEvent2 to let it run during Activity_Create
ba.raiseEvent2(this, true, eventsub,false, args);
TaskId += 1;
ba.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, this, TaskId, eventsub, false, args);
But this is the result of compiling with SLC, which works fine without the annotations
Simple Library Compiler
Starting step: Compiling Java code.
exists: True
exists2: True
javac 1.8.0_192
C:\Users\Andy\Documents\B4A\Projects\Libraries\BasicLibIDE\src\anywheresoftware\b4a\agraham\basiclibide\BasicLibIDE.java:617: error: cannot find symbol
symbol: class RaisesSynchronousEvents
location: class BasicLibIDE
1 error
Indications of where the stupidity lies please!