v6.87 is available


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The next beta version is available in the same location.
This version fixes the issues introduced in the last beta (focus method and label errors) it also addresses the visual designer screen size issue.
Dim syntax was changed as discussed here: http://www.b4x.com/forum/33092-post9.html

An OK menu item was added to the device IDE forms to handle the new layout of WM6.5.3.

As usual, your comments will be highly appreciated.


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I can only see part of the "O" of the new "OK" menu item on my iPAQ214. The same on my Diamond - and if that had the default font settings for the menus it wouldn't be visible at all as the quote menu item of the IDE is not then visible, I've reduced the Diamonds' menu font size to be able to see the quote menu item.

The device installer doesn't seem to install the VGA option in "Programs". Is this expected?
EDIT : - Maybe I added it myself last time, can't remember, age y'know! :confused:
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Hi, thanks very much for sending of the new last beta version, I've just noticed a problem (small):
When I run B4P (it's ok) and I want (without type codes) build, it return "Save path" and I click on the Ok button it return an error like if it's building (form1 it's not a control object).. Normal?

An other problem (device):
Why can I add a control when I'm on the propriete page? So if i valid the propriete take effect on the control added and not on the control where I clicked on propriete (I've a button named "Form1" lol) (It's just a small bug but it's weird...)

(Great the ok button :) I can now close without assing ok/close on an Hardware key...)

Again a small problem (sorry):
(Small bug):
When there's twice the same name it return an alert but it close the window, why don't check if there's the same name when we change or add a control and not when we close the designer page?

An other bug again... (on desktop):


On the version 6.80 there're no errors...
fonctions() is a function with one param...
r is a simple variable...


[b]sub[/b] lire
Do Until r=EOF
[b]end sub[/b]

[b]sub[/b] [color=blue]fonctions(cmd)[/color]
[b]end sub[/b]
It's not an array control and there's not the same name for an other control or function... Weird...

I tried "Public Sub fonctions(ByVal cmd As String)" but it's the same problem...
Maybe something is wrong on my code?

Weirdly with an other example:
Sub App_Start
alerte("Ca fonctionne... Bizarre...")
End Sub
Sub alerte(msg)
End Sub
It work... Why not the other?

I noticed that every sub function work no more now... I tried an other variable, other function name and nothing...

I Found where's the problem I think...:
We've to write "Dim var As String" before use it...
I've 3230 lines so it'll be hard for add dim as string before every variable...


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Hi Erel,

Scrollbar-problem in the Device ID (check out the pictures).

The OK-button would I remove and insert it into Menu an Exit-Menu.



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To clarify Filippos observation. I see the same "too long" scrollbar on Basic4ppc-VGA.exe but not on Basic4ppc.exe.

Further to my previous comment about the OK menu item. I wondered why there wasn't one on the main IDE editor menu then when running Basic4ppc-VGA.exe I noticed there probably is on next to the quote item but it is not visible at all on Basic4ppc.exe and only the "O" is visible on Basic4ppc-VGA.exe. This is so on both my iPAQ 214 and my Diamond.


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We've to write "Dim var As String" before use it.
You don't need to do this unless you want to explicitly make the variable a specific type. Undeclared variables are treated as local string variable when used.

Your "fonctions" code fragment compiles fine for me. I guess there is a problem elsewhere causing the compiler to misinterpret that line.


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With the Run button it work perfectly and with the 6.80 version too when I want compile but here it doesn't work:


Why It doesn't work? :(


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Weird... It return that it's an array but not a function... (Range Index...)

What's the SPB file? Where can I find it?


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Weird I've never build that... The class1.cs is a file source in C# who is the B4P source right?
If I can't build how I can get the class1 code source?
Maybe this Code Source was an other prog compiled By anybody before the install...
I looked the last modified date and it's write "27/03/2010 - 16h40 (4.40PM)"...
I've build an programm just App_Start and it's the same date...
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Forget Class1.cs, I thought you were getting an external compiler error but it looks like it is internal so Class1.cs is not being written for that program.

As I can see nothing wrong with that program I would suggest you try uninstalling and reinstalling Basic4ppc.


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Ok but if it's installed on "C:\Program Files\Anywhere Softwarev6.87\Basic4ppc Desktop" it's not serious? Cos I've the version 6.80 too so I installed this version on an other folder...


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Ok but if it's installed on "C:\Program Files\Anywhere Softwarev6.87\Basic4ppc Desktop" it's not serious? Cos I've the version 6.80 too so I installed this version on an other folder...
I've installed my 6.87 exactly like that and it works fine so it's not a problem.


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Thinking more deeply about it it looks like that error is a runtime error within the Basic4ppc compiler itself, it looks like it is accessing one of its internal collections with an invalid index. Very strange :confused:.

Yes weird, I don't know why cos if I write Dim As String before use it, it build perfectly...

I'm uninstalling and reinstalling... I'll tell you if there's the same problem...


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:( Error again...
I've Windows Seven 32bit maybe there's a problem with this OS... But weirdly the 6.80 version work perfectly...


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Now everytime when I want open the 6.80 version it return "INI File not found", all my opitons are missing, my last files opened list are empty and by default when I click on Open Source it's on Sample Folder...
I'll try uninstall this version and Install the beta version just for look...