I don't get it.
In most countries there are laws / regulations governing vaccination against various childhood/ adult viruses and bacterial infections. Polio, measles, rubella, whooping cough (pertussis), Diphtheria, mumps, small pox; there are also tetanus, yellow fever (compulsory when undertaking some travel); etc..
Some of those require multiple follow-up injections.
OK there are those who object to vaccination on religious grounds but that is one or two of the religious communities.
So, in the main, a heck of a lot of those people now objecting to being vaccinated against a quite nasty, immediately life-threatening virus, have been vaccinated against most of the above things and possibly more ... and suddenly are seemingly dead against being vaccinated - pun probably intended.
This seems to be the main reason (conspiracy theory excluded) for arguing against : Sure its been a very rapid developmental path to arriving at these interventions, but, that's just because its more than likely a normal pathway. Think about the amount of funding that pharmaceutical companies attract, on a long term basis, to investigate these things - when there isn't an epidemic or pandemic to be had. That makes a slow-slow path to getting there. But, when it came being faced with a Reality - they all went into overdrive. Remember the first to market gets the greatest revenue out of this. None of it will be free from factory to injection site. Big Business is never altruistic.
IN FACT : this type of vaccination "technology" (for want of a better word) has been in research for more than a decade - and was of great interest in the last Corona-type virus outbreaks - called SARS (a relative of this current version).
But, hey, that's not the point that's just what I chose to rant about - the point is what's the objection to vaccination especially since its never been a problem for people prior.