I have a Class Module that makes as buttonBar. In the class module I start the activities depending on the btn clicks.
In all those clicks I have something like:
If LastActivity<>ListActivity Then
End If
StartActivity(ListActivity )
The LastActivity variable is a global process variable (Dim LastActivity as Activity).
I am doing this to clean all the unneeded activities.
Unfortunatly this won't compile because I cannot compare LastActivity<>ListActivity?
How can I solve this?
I have a Class Module that makes as buttonBar. In the class module I start the activities depending on the btn clicks.
In all those clicks I have something like:
If LastActivity<>ListActivity Then
End If
StartActivity(ListActivity )
The LastActivity variable is a global process variable (Dim LastActivity as Activity).
I am doing this to clean all the unneeded activities.
Unfortunatly this won't compile because I cannot compare LastActivity<>ListActivity?
How can I solve this?