Android Question VB6 to B4A Formula Conversions.

Don Roberts

Licensed User
I have gone through the forum and found the change from ^2 to power(x,y), but I haven't been able to figure out how to Convert the EXP(number) in my formulas.
Working VB6 Code I am trying to change:
All values Dim as Double

H = (G * (Exp(6 * d * MR) - 1 - 6 * d * MR) + MH) / (36 * MR)
k = (Exp(j) - 1) / MvC
l = Int(Mvel2 / Exp(j))
M = 36 * i * H - G * (Exp(2 * j) - 1 - 2 * j) * Cos(EaC) - sC

I tried using an example that listed cE as power(cE,X) with no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
