Spanish Ver tabla, en?


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Hola a todos,

Tengo una duda. Para ver una tabla en formato celdas, qué usáis? Yo uso un código que creó klaus pero tiene limitaciones. Me estaba planteando usar el Webview pero no se si se puede. Sólo tengo datos locales. Qué me recomendáis?



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You could do it with a ScrollView or ScrollView2D. You have all freedom to do almost whatever you want.
You find a summary of examples here ScrollView example summary.
It's not as performant as Erel's Table class, but even with several hundred entries no problem.

Best regards.


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Once again thank you very very much for your help klaus. I need to change the row text color according to a condition. It is a pity that Erel's table can't do it because that class don't have regs limitations and also scrollview has the same limitation (row text color). I think that the best way is add a column to show an * for example.

Thanks for Help and time and great work as well.

Best regards
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... and also scrollview has the same limitation (row text color)
No in a ScrollView you could define a color for each row if you want it.
The difference is in Erel's Table class the rows are generated dynamically to limit the their number but in a 'normal' ScrollView all rows are in memory so you can set the color you want.
What kind of data do you have ?
Attached you find a modified version of the SQLiteExample2D from the User's Guide where you can define the label and the text color for each line.
I modified the AddRow routine with the two colors as parameters.

Best regards.


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Good evening klaus,
Your help is very very appreciated for me. Thanks.

Sorry for my mistakes. I am working with my first app and I am still lost but little by little I am understanding better the mobile concepts. Many thanks for all B4A forum members too.

I have a table with 10 fields. The first one an integer the other ones text but only I am showing 7 fields.

I'll see your example and I will comment the result.

Many thanks for expend your time replying my questions.



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Hi Klaus,

I've just tested the example and it is very illuminating! Thank you very much indeed.
I'll try to update my code for that lib.
