VGA Version of the PPC IDE


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I'm really happy with my Diamond, but coding on the device isn't as good as it was on my TYTN2

the increased screen resolution is not used and I'm also missing some menu options, for example the ", although I'm not 100% sure this has to do with the application, could also be a device issue.

Erel, Is there be a VGA version in the pipeline?


  • Screenshot_1.jpg
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is somewhere in the pipeline however I'm not sure if it will be included in the next version.



Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm also missing some menu options, for example the ", although I'm not 100% sure this has to do with the application, could also be a device issue.
It is a device issue, although from your later screenshot of your (hacked ROM) menu doubling problem you may have solved it. For those who haven't you can tweak the size of the menu bar font in the Registry by "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\BarFnt\Ht" mine was 1000, setting it to 800 brings the apostrophe back. The size of the font in the popup menu is governed by "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\PopFnt\Ht". again mine was 1000 and I set it to 800 to get much neater menus.

Neither of these helps with the large scrolling menu problem This is on an absolutely standard Diamond with the latest (1.93) official ROM.

Sascha K.

Licensed User
Hi, thanks for this info.
Is it possible to reduce the size of the menu entries with the registry editor?
Cant find the right function in registry editor.

Sascha K.

Licensed User
There is a free mobile registry editor i´ve downloaded.
Here: Mobile Registry Editor (Pocketpc) - Download

With this editor i´ve make the changes to reduce the textsize in bottom menu...
now the problem is, that in all programms the menu entries also have a very big font. i want to reduce this font.