Android Question Video not loading in some devices

Facilauto Juan

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello there!

I have an app that shows a video with VideoView. This is the way to load the video (in activity_create):

video.LoadVideo("http", "" & globales.video_ver)

The thing is that the video loads in most devices, but not in some of them. For example, my samsung galaxy mini shows it, my samsung galaxy tab 5" don't.

What could be happening?

Thanks for the answers.

Facilauto Juan

Licensed User
Longtime User
Well, the same video that doesn't show up in streaming I have downloaded in the device and it shows up correctly. So... this should be anything else, right?
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Facilauto Juan

Licensed User
Longtime User
UPs... My "working" device is 2.3.6 and my "not working" device is 2.3.5. According to that table, should it be working in both?

Sorry for all this questions, I can't manage to understand that table.
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Facilauto Juan

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have read in one of your posts that there is a requirement in order to stream a video: declare an objecto of type MediaPlayerStream. Where do I have to do this?
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