Android Question videoview and http authentication


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With VideoView I have problems to get a stream to work since it requires authentication.

Using VLC for ANdroid, I can get the stream to work including username and password in the URL like this:

http://user:[email protected]:8002.....

so it seems above method of authentication is supported by the server. This type of URL does not work with the VideoView wrapper.

I searched for this and I am unsure if it is possible with VideoView although this page at StackOverFlow,
seems to propose two methods that may work, namely:

1) a method using reflection
2) or to use MediaPlayer.setDataSource(Context, Uri, Map)

Can I implement one of above solutions using the VideoView wrapper, perhaps using reflection or JavaObject? If yes, could you help with the correct reflection-code?

Thank you.


B4X founder
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The setDataSource solution will only work on Android 4+.

It should be quite simple to call setVideoUri with JavaObject.
You will need to first create a Uri object with ContentResolver library and then create the required Map.

With these two you should call:
Dim jo As JavaObject = VideoView1
jo.RunMethod("setVideoURI", Array As Object(Uri1, Map1))
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Longtime User
I forgot to follow up on Erel's reply and let you know that what mentioned above worked perfectly.
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