I'm using multiple CustomListView's on the activity. Would like to address them dynamicaly and insert items on them. But I can't found a way to do it.
I need Tag property of a object, as with it I know what to do with it.
On line "Dim clv as ...", compiler brakes with error :
Any idea how to handle that ?
For Each v As View In Activity.GetAllViewsRecursive
If IsNumber(v.Tag) Then
Dim clv As CustomListView = v
clv.Add(CreateItem(v, DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(dDateToShow), "12", 0, "", True, bBlack), "")
I need Tag property of a object, as with it I know what to do with it.
On line "Dim clv as ...", compiler brakes with error :
Dim clv As CustomListView = v
javac 1.8.0_152
src\b4a\example\taskslist_mjesecno.java:586: error: incompatible types: View cannot be converted to customlistview
_clv = (b4a.example.customlistview)(_v.getObject());
Any idea how to handle that ?