Bug? Views Disappear in Designer - position goes outside variant


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I'm having a problem in Designer, where sometimes a view, when I click on it, shoots off the screen and outside of the variant dimensions with a negative position setting.

It can be briefly fixed by setting the position value manually but the next time it is clicked in the abstract designer, it flies off the screen again.

It's a frustrating problem ,but may be the result of something stupid I'm doing, as I don't see other references to it here in the forum.

Any idea what's going on?

b4a v3.2 - just picking it up and loving improvements.


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I think if this happens in designer mode than your Keyboard or Mouse may be malfunctioning !!!


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No idea without seeing your code.

Tried to bundle it up for you, but after necessary adjustments for that, problem has gone away - both in the example and original. If it crops up again, I'll post it.


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No idea without seeing your code.

I don't think there's any need for code.

Seems to be a bug that occurs when a right-anchored element (label, in my case) is inside a horizontal-both anchored panel. Might require two right-anchored elements in the panel. The solution is to left-anchor the element and set its position in designer code.

Not sure if this happens every time, but when it does, left anchoring the element always fixes it.


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Is the zoom 100% or 50% when it happens?
Great question, Erel. I just checked on a .bal that's having the problem - it only happens at 50%

It's very helpful just to know that.