Visual designer and first program


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I am going through the first program guide and a couple of questions arise.
1/ Once the Program is loaded and is displayed and runs on the emulator how do I cancel the program without turning the emulator off?
2/ In the designer again once the program has run how do I go back to the visual designer so that I can see the components on the screen as opposed to their properties to re arrange them. I tried disconnect.


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Longtime User
1) With the Back button in the Emulator, it stopps the prgram and returns to the Designer if it was active and connected.
If you use the debugging you can stop both, the IDE and the Emulator, in the IDE on the green Stop button in the debugger in the lower left corner.

2)When the Designer is connected to the Emulator and you run the program and stop it, you get back to the Designer and Emulator as you left it before.

How to do:
1) Run the IDE.
2) Load the program.
3) Run the Emulator.
4) Run the Designer.
5) Connect the Designer.
6) Eventually you need to load a layout file.
7) Now you can design your layout.
8) Add code.
9) Run the program with the debugger.
10) Stop the program in the IDE.
You get back to point 7) Designer, 8) IDE.

Best regards.
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Re Klaus's response
Point 10
I get back to the properties of each component in the designer. I can't find a way back to the visual designer which would enable me to move the components around on the screen with the mouse which would be easier than adjusting each property of each component. I was able to do this with the original design but now I want to adjust it.
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Longtime User
I get back to the properties of each component in the designer.
But the Emulator is still active, click on it and you get the visual designer as before.
If the program is still runing on the Emulator, click on the Back button and the Emulator will go back to the visual designer.

Best regards.
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Longtime User
Hi Klaus
Perhaps I am being a bit obtuse here but I can't get the results you suggest.
I can run the program but perhaps I need to define what I have been using as a back arrow first although there seem to be only two possibilities
1/ clicking on the U on its side plus arrow takes me back to the blank emulator with a picture of an android. No visual designer
2/clicking on the left focused arrow with a U bend on the virtual keyboard doesn't seem to do anything.
3/ Stopping the program clears the emulator with no visual designer
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Longtime User
Hi Klaus
As a last resort I started again. Although the first program ran as specified it would not redisplay the visual designer. Starting from scratch solved the problem. One of life's mysteries.
Thanks for your help
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