Voice Database


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Hi all,
I want to design the Voice Database to keep mp3 files for Thai words.But I don't know that I start it. I need to use text to speech. If it's possible,I would like Text database better than Sql 's database.
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Hi all,
Please give me the demo about using KeyValueStore for Voice Database.
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Do you want to store files in the database? You can use PutInputStream to store files.

Hi all,
I tried to understand KeyValueStore,but I don't understand it.Assume I have 3 mp3 files in File.DirAssets.How to do continue for store these files?
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Well-Known Member
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Why don't you just store the path to your mp3 files? It will be too much faster than store the whole file.
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How to succeed ?

Hi all,
I have still problem of using KeyValueStore about mp3 file. I have attached it below.
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I'm poor of knowledge programming

Hi Erel,
In my target is Thai TTS,I have no database for matching between Thai 's word and Thai's sounded. I selected to tried using KeyValueStore. I'm poor of knowledge programming. I test to run Thai's sounded from Thai's word. If it work,I think it could help sick man ,or man who disable speak. My grandchild still can't speak for 12 years. Please to help me.:sign0013:
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B4X founder
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I think that it will be easier to save the file name in the store instead of the actual data.

If you do want to embed all the data in the store then you need to do something like:
Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(File.DirDefaultExternal, "temp", False)
File.Copy2(kvs.GetInputStream("กฎหมายระหว่างประเท"), out) 'copy the saved data to a temporary file.
MediaPlayer1.Load(File.DirDefaultExternal, "temp")
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Why do I not follow as your guide?

Hi Erel and SuSu,
Thank you very much,In the really,I need to do as following your guide,but my background programming is not so good. I have never to learn programming. I study from others' coding.:eek:
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