I need to send a couple bytes of data, receive the answer, send again, receive again etc, etc.
What I do not seem to be able to do is wait for the reiceipt of the data. I tried (some variations of):
Wait For (Starter.Wifiastream) NewData(Buffer() As Byte)
But it keeps on hanging on this point.
Can anybody hlp me along? I have more experience with vb.net and proton picbasic, it is difficult to handle the fact that a lot of action do not always go sequentially... I also just tried to do some waiting loops for receiving the data but that also does not work..
What I do not seem to be able to do is wait for the reiceipt of the data. I tried (some variations of):
Wait For (Starter.Wifiastream) NewData(Buffer() As Byte)
But it keeps on hanging on this point.
Can anybody hlp me along? I have more experience with vb.net and proton picbasic, it is difficult to handle the fact that a lot of action do not always go sequentially... I also just tried to do some waiting loops for receiving the data but that also does not work..