Android Question Waiting for Debugger to Connect ......

dara hayes

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Longtime User
Since loading the new version and adjusting the paths for Ardoid.jar and Javac.exe the debugger behaves incorrectly , and differently than before , the file dialog says downloading file to device (using USB cable debugging is set in device) says its downloaded correctly toastmessage on android device waiting for debugger to connect , this eventually this dissappears and nothing , back to screen full of Icons , program does not run , nothing in the log dialog so I press connect and it says its connected and so I press compile and run again and it does same again but this time after toast message dissappears I get the following screen

The rapid debugger failed to connect however the file is on the device and when you click on icon it says once more waiting for debugger to connect once more , dont understand have I used the wrong jar file as there are two on my machine and I dont know which one I should have selected , Thought I was confused with bluetooth now I am really confused ! finally got some thing working after a fashion with BLuetooth but not very reliably so far ! now I just cant compile and run a program as the debugger is not connecting with the android device , I have changed usb leads , and tried a second android device it wont see either of two different tablet devices !

dara hayes

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Longtime User
Hi Manfred and Erel ,thanks for both of your suggestions , checked the asus no updates and usb debugging is on and enabled there, I checked the driver and it went from 8 to 9 no difference and updated about 9 other items no change , turned off firewall , also no joy , sequence is as follows linking to device , toastmessage on android waiting for debugger to connect then it goes off and back to normal screen on android , and completed sucess , in dialog window on IDE followed about 30 seconds later by the error message unable to connect with device but a new icon has appeared on device and I am not sure exactly what is going on but some times it can run the program other times it says waiting for debugger to connect , if I keep waiting evenatually I can run the new program but I am not sure if it is the new program or not , its not reliable , in fact the screen is at odd times showing waiting for debugger to connect , can I go back to the old version of IDE how do I where do I find this file ?
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dara hayes

Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel thanks Rapid is the only selection of that drop down list box that doesn't work release and legacy are fine thanks for helping me
sort this out, I am not anywhere near the advanced stage of development in B4A where the amazing improvements you have implemented in "Rapid debug" would help me along , thanks for your help ,
for some odd reason "Rapid Development" wont connect to my Asus ME173X 7inch tablet runing 4.22android
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