Waiting for IDE debugger to connect - too long


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Longtime User

When I start application it takes for couple of minutes to make this message and progress bar disappear from the screen. Anyone knows why this happens?

It was working just fine and after I added some new functions it started bugging...
tnx in advance


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Longtime User
My App installed and run fine on a Sony Android TV. It was made with version 4 of B4A. When I recompiled it with version 5 of B4A and installed it to the Sony Android TV, now I get the message "Waiting for IDE Debugger to connect" which after a few seconds disappears and my app won't run. Then I tried installing the app on my phone and tablets and I get the same result. But, if I go back to the app compiled with v4 of B4A, then it runs perfectly where ever I install it. I have not changed anything in the code when going from version 4 to 5. Is there a new setting to enable or disable in B4A v.5? What's going on?



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Longtime User
Forgive me if I seem a bit dense here. I too suddenly started getting the "Waiting for IDE debugger to connect" I'm running version 5.80. I followed the suggestion of running in release mode and the IDE says it was successful but then I can't find the compiled app on my device. Only the b4a example that was already there. If i touch it, it opens to a blank screen and i still get the "Waiting for IDE debugger to connect" on the device. I'm really stuck here.
It was working then suddenly it stopped. I tried commenting out the code I had added but that didn't help. Could any of you help me over this hump.


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Longtime User
I'm really stuck here.
Maybe you tried another example.

Give all your apps an Unique Packagename before you compile it. See CTRL-B and set the packagename for each app you create.