Android Question We inform you that your application is statically linked with a version of OpenSSL


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Hello, I received a message on my account GooglePlay, based on the OpenSSL security.

-library problem???
-url problem???
-code problem???

-i don't know whats problem.... if is library...can identify???
-it's a fix link, i have inside code fix links for radio stations... 'https:// inside app ( its a radio tuner app )
-it's code ???

please answer, thanks.

the message from google is:
"Security alert
We inform you that your application is statically linked with a version of OpenSSL that has several security vulnerabilities for users. You have until 07/07/2015 to migrate your application to an updated version of OpenSSL. From that date, Google Play will block the publication of any new application or update any unsupported use older versions of OpenSSL (see details below)......................"


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My guess is that it comes from AdoDB or the vitamio library. You can use 7zip to open the jar files and look for a class that might be related to OpenSSL.

hello, today i have a fixed error.
Yesterday delete the url https in the database to connect to a streaming radio, and today playstore quit a message.
I think it.

thank you. Cheers
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My guess is that it comes from AdoDB or the vitamio library. You can use 7zip to open the jar files and look for a class that might be related to OpenSSL.

Today i have a fault again.
googleplay tellme use: $ unzip -p YourApp.apk | strings | grep "OpenSSL"
and the result is : GmsCore_OpenSSL

i think is possible on my GOOGLEPLAYSERVICES.JAR... i have a rev.21 and change now to 26.... is that ????

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You are the only one to encounter this issue so it is hard to say. The first thing to do is to update google play services.

hello, i update the googleplayservices... and don't have luck....
continue try thinks...

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